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Template to start hot module reload with React

Based on the awesome presentation and project by Jed Watson


  1. npm version 3.9.5 or later
  2. ios-deploy (install: npm install -g ios-deploy)


1. Clone

Clone this project

git clone

2. Edit details

Edit file package.json and change all URLs, e.g., repository, bugs, etc. You probably don't want to point your project back to my repository :)

3. Initialize npm (optional)

The command will ask for your name, and which license you prefer. But you could set all that up manually from the previous step.

npm init

4. Install dependencies

npm install

5. Cordova/PhoneGap details

edit config.xml Change , , and tags

IMPORTANT FOR IOS Development!!! Change <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" ... >

The id must match your valid signing identity. See this answer on details.

Icons, Splashscreens and such

I recommend using ionic for that. Easy instructions here There is an icon.png file in the root folder, replace that with your own icon file.

Start Development

npm start

Where files are

  • www/index.html Is the entry point. But it carries no weight, other than the <title>TITLE</title>
  • src/index.js Is the main React script, replacing
    inside www/index.html
  • src/components/Board.js place for add-on components, if any

Open browser here

You can then open the app in your browser by visiting localhost:8080

Edit files

Edit file, and just save them. The browser will auto reload with new changes (hot reload) without losing state of the components. Go webpack + NPM!

Compiling for a platform (doesn't work with hot load)

Open it in the iOS Simulator by running (in another terminal):

cordova platform add ios

To avoid installing on your phone, disconnect the phone from your Mac :) This will start a 6s Simulator.

npm run ios

Or in the Android emulator with:

cordova platform add android
npm run android

(both of which are just calling cordova run ios and cordova run android)

In this mode, the app will live-reload changes to React components using react-hot-loader and CSS changes using the Webpack CSS loader.

Build the app for production (works well!)

To build the app without the development hot module reloading server:

npm run build [ -- ios || android]


npm run prepare -- ios
npm run prepare -- android

This will switch your config.xml file to production mode, build the app bundle to /www using Webpack, and run cordova build for you.

After that, the normal Cordova / PhoneGap commands can be used such as phonegap serve, or cordova run ios, etc.


MIT. Copyright (c) 2016 Mark Rogov.


  1. SASS -> CSS


Template to start hot module reload with React






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