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A SDB table & field name cracker.

Usage: brutus [ command ] < params >

Command Description
generate Generates a brutus result from provided databases.
attack Performs either a Binary or Dictionary attack on provided files and appends matches to a brutus result file.
export Exports the "best guesses" from a brutus result to a flat dictionary file.
test Tests a single hash against a list of strings.

In the root directory of the repo we have provided a brutus result file (brutus.json)
This result was generated from the database of 208 different builds and should cover most of the names in any sdb.

While the generated results can be very helpful, they need to be taken with a grain of salt due to the nature of the hash used to obfuscate them in the first place. Some of these hashes have multiple matches or might be completely wrong.

This project was created for educational purposes only and should not be used by anyone.