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Media Library Web Component

A client framework and server agnostic Media library Web Component made with vue3.


Install ts-medialibrary with npm

  npm install ts-medialibrary

Usage Example


      title="Library Demo For Github"
    <div id="fileinput"></div>

<script src="node_modules/ts-medialibrary/dist/ts-medialibrary.js"></script>
    customElements.whenDefined("ts-medialibrary").then((c) => {
      const el = document.querySelector("ts-medialibrary");

        el.addEventListener("updated", function (e) {
          const payload = e.detail[0];

          //appending hidden input insdie form
          document.getElementById("fileinput").innerHTML = payload.html;


  import 'ts-medialibrary/dist/ts-medialibrary.js';

  <ts-medialibrary url="REST_URL_HERE" @updated="onSelectionChanged"></ts-medialibrary>


You can either add ref to the ts-medialibrary and listen just like with js or can wrap and make new HOC react component.

import 'ts-medialibrary/dist/ts-medialibrary.js';

const MediaLibrary = ({ url, onChange }) => {
  const ref = useRef();

  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const handleChange = customEvent => onChange(customEvent.detail[0]);

    const { current } = ref;

    current.addEventListener('updated', handleChange);

    return () => current.removeEventListener('updated', handleChange);
  }, [ref]);


  return (

API Reference


Props Type Default Description
url string none Required. REST Url to fetch and upload media
uid string default Unique identifer required for multiple instances in same page.
label string Select File(s) Upload Button Label
title string Media Library Library Modal Heading
udpate-label string Click To Change Upload Button Label after selections are made
choosen string None Comma separated id to preselect media.
can-remove string, boolean, number 0 Allow delete action if true
blocking string, number, boolean 0 If true than backdrop blocks the UI and modal stays open when clicking on it
input-name string files[] input name which is used to return html string on update
input-key string id key from media object to be used as input value
multiple string, boolean, number 0 Allow multiple selection and upload
preview-link string, boolean, number 1 Open selected media in new tab
allow-files boolean, number 0 By default only images are allowed, Passing value of 1 will allow upload of any files defined in accept prop
accept string "image/*, audio/*, video/*, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .csv, .txt File types to accept when allow-files=1. Only for clientisde. For server validation you have to use your own.
limit number 50 Number of max items to display in the library. Your server can return 100s of items but library will only show limit items. To see the remaining items, either have to search or sort.


Event Payload Description
updated selected: media[] Arry of selected media {id, url, thumb_url}[]
html: string Hidden input string with input-name as name and value mapped to media[input-key]

Events are dispatched as native CustomEvents on the custom element. Additional event arguments (payload) will be exposed as an array on the CustomEvent object as its detail property. const payload = e.detail[0];


Server Api Reference.

To test the library there is a default solution provided for laravel, You have to install one of my other package Media Library Package which comes with all required url actions.

Get all items

{"items": "MediaResourceCollection[]", "success": 1}

Upload item

Body Type Description
files[] HTTPFile Required. array of files
allow_files number(0, 1) If the upload should support only image or any files.
{"items": "UploadedMediaResourceCollection[]", "success": 1, "message": "UPLOADED SUCCESS MESSAGE"}

Delete item

Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of item to delete
{ "success": 1, "message": "DELETED MESSAGE"}

Error Response

{ "error": 1, "message": "ERROR_MESSAGE"}

Customization and Theming

CSS Variable Default Description
--tml-color-primary-rgb 99, 102, 241 Primary color RGB
--tml-color-danger-rgb 255, 0, 0 Primary color RGB
--tml-color-success green Success Color
--tml-color-secondary rgb(249, 250, 251) Secondary Color
--tml-color-grey grey Grey Color
--tml-color-light #bbbbbb Light Color
--tml-color-lighter #cccccc Lighter Color
--tml-modal-z-index 100 Z-Index for modal
--tml-modal-content-z-index 10` Z-Index for modal content
--tml-modal-animation-duration 0.3s Modal open animation duration
--tml-modal-background-color rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8) Modal background color
--tml-modal-width fit-content Modal width
--tml-modal-min-width 500px Modal min width
--tml-modal-max-width 100vw Modal max width
--tml-modal-height 80% Modal height

There are a lot more variables which will be updated soon.

Tech Stack

Client: Vue3, Typescript, SCSS


