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Stephen Fortune edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

Tell Me About The ODI Toolbox

The ODI Toolbox is a suite of open source software that enables publication, assessment of - and collaboration on - open data.

The toolbox was developed by the ODI Labs Team. ODI Labs follows the GDS Services Agile development framework. ODI Labs matured(sic) Open Data Pathway and Open Data Certificates to Live status. Both services function as open data Assessment Tools. Several of the other tools developed during the first quarter of 2016 are currently in the beta stage. These data publication prototypes are intended to help organisations understand what their data is, what they can do with their data and what their users might want. Each app meets a different need.

  • Open Data Assessment Services
    • Open Data Certificates: a tool to assess the quality of open data releases, and award a “kite mark”-like certificate.
    • Open Data Pathway: a tool to help organisations assess their readiness for open data publishing, and help them identify where they need to focus their improvement efforts.
  • Open Data Publication Tools
    • CSVlint: a validation tool for CSV files, supporting both Frictionless Data and CSV on the Web standards.
    • Octopub: a simple publishing tool for open data, allowing publishers to release data without having complex infrastructure set up.
    • Bothan: a metrics tracking and dashboarding tool designed for open publication of metrics data.
    • Comma Chameleon: a desktop editor for CSV files, targeted at creating quality open data that is ready for reuse.

(To find out more detail about each of the tools, check them out on the Toolbox Website)

The tools of the ODI Toolbox are built to interoperate with other services - including other tools in the suite! Take CSVlint for example. The CSVlint service is a Rails application that provides an online continuous validation service. Octopub integrates with this service - csv datasets published with Octopub are validated against CSVlint and receive a CSV validation badge.

The CSVLint service is powered by the Ruby gem of the same name, which can be used offline and locally as a command line tool or within any ruby application. The CSVlint gem CSVlint also features in Comma Chameleon - which supports CSV validation within the app - via TravellingRuby.

Hopefully this brief example gives a sense of what we’re trying to build with the ODI toolbox - an OSS ecosystem around data collaboration, publication and assessment

(to learn more about ODI’s vision for OSS data tools, check out the Public Roadmap (see below for details), or follow our blog)

Why We Welcome Contributions
How to Contribute to the ODI Toolbox
Contributing Code
Code Review Process
Developers Guide: Getting Started