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Theodor Nitu edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

My Fritzing Library

Here you will find some of my fritzing parts that I made along my experience with this powerful software. All the parts will have the SVG files with them, this means that any of the parts are modifiable. Also, if you make any substancial changes that would improve the experience with this part please share it with us, you can Issue or Pull request here and i will take care of it.

How to add parts to your Fritzing

In order to add parts to your fritzing, you first have to download the part you want to add, for instance the ETTI_Dev_Board.fzpz from here.

  • Open Fritzing and Click File>Open

  • Select the file you want to import, in this case the ETTI_Dev_Board.fzpz

  • Here you will have your part opened but not added to your library

  • Right click on the part > Add to bin>My parts

  • You will see your part in the right column

  • Now you can close the Fritzing, but do not forget to Save the modifications on your Parts when asked.

Library contents

  1. ETTI Development Board Fritzing Part

  • Board size: 88x64mm
  • Brain: ATmega16
  • ATmega accesible pins: 40 (available in Fritzing)
  • Power pins: 2 (9Vcc)
  • Parts that you can find on the board in Fritzing - ATmega16,MAX232,LM7805,1uF Cap,Switch,Led

The pins on the ATmega16 have numbers from 1 to 40 . These pins are in correlation to the ATmega16 position on the board. Be sure NOT to plug it another way than the specified one. I did not added the description for the pins yet, but i will work on it soon.

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