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theonesp edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

Table source: Hospital Clinic HIS (based on SAP), Specific tables: p_zero_stage.lab_events.

Table purpose: This table contains information about laboratory results for each patient's hospital stay.

Links to:

  • hospital_stays on patient_deid, hosp_stay_deid and stay_deid.

Brief summary

This table contains information about laboratory results for each patient's hospital stay, including the patient's unique identifier, the hospital stay's unique identifier, the unique identifier for each stay, the order number for the laboratory test, the type of care level, the date of extraction for each record, the reference number for the laboratory test, a description of the laboratory test, the numeric value of the laboratory result, and the units of measurement for the laboratory result.

Table columns

Column Name Data Type Description
patient_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each patient
hosp_stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each hospital stay
stay_deid INTEGER Unique identifier for each stay
ou_med_ref VARCHAR(50) Unknown
care_level_type_ref VARCHAR(50) !!!! QUITAR
extrac_date_deid TIMESTAMP Date of extraction for each record
lab_ref VARCHAR(50) Unknown
descr VARCHAR(500) Description of the lab result
result_num DECIMAL(10,2) Numeric value of the lab result
units VARCHAR(50) Units of measurement for the lab result