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Clickventure content type component for bulbs projects.


Using this project requires dependency setup and implementation of provided Django apps. The site refers to the site that this component is being installed in.

Python and Bower Dependencies

From the site using this component:

  1. Add a dependency for this project in requirements.txt, where <version> is the version to install:
  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt on requirements file in the correct context to install this project's Django apps.

  2. Install bower dependencies, where <version> is the version to install which should match the <version> used in requirements.txt:

$ bower install --save\#\<version>


  1. Create a clickventure package in the site's app directory.
  2. Add "bulbs_component_clickventure" to INSTALLED_APPS in Django's settings file.
  3. Add a that implements bulbs_component_clickventure.models.ClickventureMixin.
  4. Create a migration for your app with Django migrations as you would any other app.

Implementing Public Resources

To use the public templates, scripts, and styles:

  1. Include "bulbs_component_clickventure_public" in INSTALLED_APPS in Django's settings file.

  2. Create a detail page with the following template logic included:

{% include "clickventure/partials/clickventure.html" with content=<content-variable> share_partial_template="<share-template-path>" %}

Where <share-template-path> is the path to a share template, and <content-variable> is the name of the variable containing the content's data. Note: you can use the {% with %} Django template tag to customize variables in the share template.

Implementing CMS Resources

To use the CMS templates, scripts, and styles:

  1. Include "bulbs_component_clickventure_cms" in INSTALLED_APPS in Django's settings file.

  2. Create a CMS page with the following html:

<clickventure-edit article="content"></clickventure-edit>

Where content is an angular scope variable containing the content's data.

  1. Add bulbs.clickventure as a dependency for your CMS's Angular app.

django-bulbs-cms Package

compat-builds/django-bulbs-cms should not be edited directly. This app exists only until CMS files are completely migrated out of django. To make changes to this package, edit files located in src/bulbs-cms then run grunt build_bulbs_cms_for_django to rebuild compat-builds/django-bulbs-cms with your changes.

Commit your changes and the rebuilt package, then reinstall the app on whatever project(s) require the changes.


Setting up your environment

To prep your environment for development:

$ ./scripts/dev-setup

Testing javascript

To run a continuous test:

$ ./scripts/test-js

To do a single test run:

$ ./scripts/test-js --single-run


For continuous builds while you develop:


or to run a single build, as in creating a build for release:

$ ./scripts/build

See django-bulbs-cms Package section for more info.