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Releases: theotherp/nzbhydra2


18 Sep 19:30
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v4.7.1 Pre-release

v4.7.1 BETA (2022-09-18)

Feature Improve display of errors on startup.

Fix Properly handle errors that occur during the detection of open ports.


18 Sep 14:40
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v4.7.0 Pre-release

v4.7.0 BETA (2022-09-18)

Feature Use custom mappings to transform indexer result titles. Use this to clean up titles, add season or episode to it or whatever. See #794

Fix Some of you have an instance running which is exposed to the internet, without any authentication method. I previously tried to recognize this by some heuristic which was a bit naive and caused a lot of false positives. NZBHydra will now periodically try to determine your public IP and actually check if the used port is open. This might still not always work (e.g. in when you're running it using a VPN in which case I guess you know what're doing. Ultimately it's up to you to get your shit together.

Fix Only warn about settings violating indexers' rules if the indexers are actually enabled.

Fix Fix saving config with custom mappings.


23 Aug 16:24
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v4.6.1 (2022-08-23)

Fix Fix startup error for new instances. Thanks @ cdloh.


22 Aug 16:05
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v4.6.0 (2022-08-22)

Feature Add option to replace german umlauts and special characters.


09 Jul 08:59
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v4.5.0 Pre-release

v4.5.0 BETA (2022-07-09)

Feature Automatically use NZB access and adding types required by certain indexers. See #784.

Feature Add debug logging for category mapping.


26 Jun 11:16
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v4.4.0 (2022-06-26)

Feature Add validation to ensure your configuration matches the requirements of a certain indexer.

Feature Warn when exposing NZBHydra to the internet via host with no authentication enabled.

Note In the same vein I decided to remove the option to ignore warnings when saving the config. You'll just have to live with it or, ideally, fix the things causing the warnings.

Note All the above stems from the fact that a lot of people (=idiots) have their NZBHydra (or *arr) instances wide open to the world without any authentication whatsoever. DO NOT DO THAT! People will steal your API keys and possibly get your indexer access disabled or revoked for good. I'm trying to automatically detect that but it's not easy distinguishing valid accesses from fraudulent ones.


15 Jun 11:38
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v4.3.3 (2022-06-15)

Fix Fix error when using an HTTP proxy without username / password.

Fix Use API hit information from indexer request when no download information was provided. In that case calculate the downloads from the history. See #778

Fix Fix API hit and download detection for DogNZB.

Fix Add the current API hit to the number of reported API hits in response.

Fix Fix name of logging marker "Custom mapping" (was "Config mapping").


13 Jun 14:47
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v4.3.2 (2022-06-13)

Fix Fix use of groups in custom search request mapping. See #700

Fix Fix download of backup files. See #772

Note The mysterious issues with connections to indexers failing (and perhaps some other issues) were caused by changes in the image and should be fixed by now.


02 May 15:51
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v4.3.1 (2022-05-02)

Note I removed the OpenAPI docs as for some really weird reason it may have introduced some unexpected bugs when connecting to indexers or even when trying to update the database


03 Apr 08:53
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v4.3.0 (2022-04-03)

Feature Allow to configure an indexer's API path. See #766

Feature OpenAPI docs are now available under This will only be interesting for very few (if any) users. Unfortunately I couldn't get the swagger UI working. You'll have to visit and paste the api-docs URL.