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Just use my helloworldx86 folder as your template for your nasm projects in windows 32/64 & linux 32/64. Press F1 in Visual Studio Code and run Task Build:

alt text

I added my own pattern-matcher in tasks.json for nasm errors & warning. Now you can see the "PROBLEMS" VSCODE-Window

my setup

VSCODE Extensions:

cat ~/.zshrc

alias explorer='/mnt/c/Windows/explorer.exe `wslpath -w "$PWD"`'

Terminal Shell Extension (copy with .reg extension and just execute it)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Binary data is just UTF16 (LE) split every 2 bytes with a comma
;Conversion done with

;User action
@="Open Terminal here"
;"Icon"="%USERPROFILE%\Pictures\Icons\terminal.ico" (Location to ICO or comment out to hide icon)

;User action command
;@="%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe -d ."

;Admin action
@="Open Terminal here (Admin)"
;Show the UAC shield on the action
;"Icon"="%USERPROFILE%\Pictures\Icons\terminal.ico" (Location to ICO or comment out to hide icon)

;Admin action command
@="PowerShell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command \"Start-Process wt -ArgumentList '-d','.' -Verb runAs\""

alt text

To fix chars in terminal VSCODE, go to File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Features -> Terminal -> (scroll down) Integrated Font Family: DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline