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Releases: theritikchoure/logx

logx v1.1.0 - Enhanced Logging Features

25 Oct 06:04
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We're excited to introduce some new features and enhancements to the logx package with version 1.1.0. These additions enhance the logging capabilities and provide more flexibility to tailor your log messages. Below are the key changes in this release:

New Features and Enhancements:

Debug Logging:

We've introduced a Debug function that allows you to log debug messages with the DEBUG background color.

Debug("This is a debug message.")

Fatal Logging:

A Fatal function has been added to log fatal error messages with the FATAL background color.

Fatal("A fatal error occurred.")

Log With Level and Timestamp:

You can now log messages with both log levels and timestamps by using the LogWithLevelAndTimestamp function.

LogWithLevelAndTimestamp("This is an important message.", "INFO", FGBLUE, BGBLACK)

How to Use:

  • To use these new features, make sure to update your logx package to version 1.1.0.
  • You can find detailed usage examples in the package documentation.


If you have any issues or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for using logx! We hope these enhancements make your logging experience even better. Happy logging!

Initial Release" or "v1.0.0 Release

13 Oct 09:22
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Release v1.0.0 - Initial Release

We are thrilled to announce the first official release of colr - Colorful Logging for Go. This release brings a set of powerful features for enhancing your application's logging capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Colorful Log Messages: With colr, you can add foreground and background colors to your log messages, making it easier to differentiate log entries and emphasize important information.

  • Log Levels: Easily indicate the log level of each message with predefined background colors for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and SUCCESS.

  • Timestamps: Log messages now come with timestamps, helping you keep track of when events occurred.

  • Log to File: In addition to standard output, you can now log messages to a file, creating a comprehensive log record.

  • Flexible Formatting: Customize your log messages with various formatting options like bold, underline, and more.

Getting Started:

To start using colr, follow the installation instructions provided in the README. Don't forget to check out the usage examples to get the most out of this package.

We hope you find colr to be a valuable addition to your Go projects, and we welcome your feedback and contributions. Please let us know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement.

Thank you for your support, and happy logging with colr!

For more details, check the full documentation and the README.

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