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Raja Ongkir API Laravel 5

This current version of rajaongkir api for laravel is currently for starter account only


via Composer

composer require therour/rajaongkir-laravel

Add Service provider to config/app.php of your laravel project

'providers' => [


add your credential in config/services.php of your laravel project


'rajaongkir' => [
    'base_uri' => env('RAJAONGKIR_BASE_URI', ''),
    'type' => env('RAJAONGKIR_type', 'starter'),
    'key' => env('RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY', null),
    'origin' => env('RAJAONGKIR_ORIGIN'), // if you have fixed origin city id,


This package also provides caching the provinces and cities available in RajaOngkir API, so your application does not need to request to RajaOngkir Endpoint API if you have cache to it, we used cache('rajaongkir.provinces') and cache('rajaongkir.cities') key to cache these.

to enable caching of provinces and cities add this code to your app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php

use Therour\RajaOngkir\Facades\RajaOngkir; 

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    public function boot()

    	RajaOngkir::shouldCache($expire = 60); // cache expires in 60 minutes



With Facade

you need to add RajaOngkir Facade to aliases in your config/app.php

'aliases' => [
      'RajaOngkir' => Therour\RajaOngkir\Facades\RajaOngkir::class,

Get Province and City by RajaOngkir

use RajaOngkir;

$provinces = RajaOngkir::getProvinces; // return array of Therour\RajaOngkir\Province Objects

$cities = RajaOngkir::getCities; // return array of Therour\RajaOngkir\Province Objects

$myProvince = RajaOngkir::getProvince($id); // return a Therour\RajaOngkir\Province

$citiesAroundMe = $myProvince->cities; // return array of Therour\RajaOngkir\City

Calculate shipment cost


Variable Type Example
$originID integer 501
$destinationID integer 39
$weight integer (gram) 3000
$courier string (jne,tiki,pos) 'tiki'


use RajaOngkir;

// get calculation with default origin by your application service config
$cost = RajaOngkir::calculate($destinationID, $weight, $courier);

// get calculation with defining another origin
$cost = RajaOngkir::from($originID)->calculate($destinationID, $weight, $courier);

// another way to calculate with JNE courier
$cost = RajaOngkir::from($originID)->to($destinationID)->withJne()->send($weight);

// another way to calculate with TIKI courier
$cost = RajaOngkir::from($originID)->to($destinationID)->withTiki()->send($weight);

// another way to calculate with POS courier
$cost = RajaOngkir::from($originID)->to($destinationID)->withPos()->send($weight);