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Super Cool Video Player

Work in Progress


  • Note: requires a node version >= 6 and an npm version >= 3.

First, clone the repo via git:

git clone

And then install dependencies. ProTip: Install with yarn for faster and safer installation

$ cd splayer && npm install


Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs.

$ npm run hot-server
$ npm run start-hot

or run two servers with one command

$ npm run dev


Toggle Chrome DevTools

  • OS X: Cmd Alt I or F12
  • Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
  • Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12

See electron-debug for more information.

DevTools extension

This project included following DevTools extensions:

You can find the tabs on Chrome DevTools.

If you want to update extensions version, please set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS env, just run:

$ UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 npm run dev

# For Windows
$ set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 && npm run dev

CSS Modules

This porject out of the box is configured to use css-modules.

All .css file extensions will use css-modules unless it has .global.css.

If you need global styles, stylesheets with .global.css will not go through the css-modules loader. e.g.

If you want to import global css libraries (like bootstrap), you can just write the following code in .global.css:

@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";


To package apps for the local platform:

$ npm run package

To package apps for all platforms:

First, refer to Multi Platform Build for dependencies.


$ npm run package-all

To package apps with options:

$ npm run package -- --[option]

Further commands

To run the application without packaging run

$ npm run build
$ npm start

To run End-to-End Test

$ npm run build
$ npm run test-e2e


See electron-builder CLI Usage

Module Structure

This project uses a two package.json structure.

  1. If the module is native to a platform or otherwise should be included with the published package (i.e. bcrypt, openbci), it should be listed under dependencies in ./app/package.json.
  2. If a module is imported by another module, include it in dependencies in ./package.json. See this ESLint rule.
  3. Otherwise, modules used for building, testing and debugging should be included in devDependencies in ./package.json.

Static Type Checking

This project uses Flow! You can annotate your code with types, get Flow errors as ESLint errors, and get type errors during runtime during development.

Dispatching redux actions from main process

see discusses in #118 and #108




MIT © Sabbir Ahmed