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Vanta 🦈

Vanta is a minimal Klisp interpreter implemented in about 750 lines of pure Go. The canonical implementation of Klisp is written in Ink and lives at This implementation is intended to be 100% compatible, but isn't meant for serious use (though to be honest, neither is the other one). For example, it doesn't handle errors very well (the interpreter panics). I might improve this later, but don't count on it. I was mostly just experimenting here.

Vanta has a small Go API that you can use to embed the interpreter in other Go programs. The Vanta CLI provides an interactive repl with the -i flag, or when run without any arguments.

The name Vanta is a slight variation on Manta, which is the name for Joyent's ZFS-based cloud object storage service. I thought it sounded good, so flipped a letter.

Here's an example repl session in Vanta.

$ ./klisp -i ../klisp/lib/klisp.klisp
Klisp interpreter v0.1-vanta.
> (+ 1 2 3)
> (* (+ 1 2 3) (/ 100 5))
> (join (list 1 2 3) (list 'a' 'b' 'c'))
(1 2 3 a b c)
> (defn sq (x) (* x x))
> (sq 10)
> (sq (sq 4))
> (sum (nat 10))
> (prod (nat 10))
> (each (nat 10) println)
> (map (nat 10) sq)
(1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)

This repository contains just the interpreter. To do anything useful, you'll probably want the core library from the main Klisp repo as well. You can start a repl after importing libraries by passing those files to Vanta after the -i CLI option.


Mostly for fun. I enjoy writing small Klisp programs to solve problems, but sometimes the Ink-based interpreter is not as fast as I'd like. I also wanted to try implementing a Lisp in Go, and Klisp was already there for me, so I thought I'd make a much faster Klisp interpreter.

Even with the current naive implementation, Vanta is around 10-15x faster than the Ink-based interpreter in my limited testing on the standard library tests. But this says more about how slow Ink is than how fast Go or Vanta is.


The full godoc is available at Here's a summary.

Vanta's API is modeled after the classic read/eval/print functions of Lisps. These functions operate on two types: Val, which opaquely represents Klisp types like linked list, number, null, and symbol; and Environment, which represents an execution context.

Read takes a string and returns a Val that represents the fully parsed Klisp code.

Print takes a Val and returns a string of S-expressions that represents the passed value.

To evaluate code, you should first create an environment with vanta.New(), which returns an Environment. Call the Eval method on the environment with a Val to evaluate the Val as code.

You can find a minimal example of these APIs in use in main.go.

At the moment, any unsuccessful attempt to parse or evaluate Klisp will panic the interpreter.


This repo uses a Makefile, and is intended to be used when the vanta repo is installed side-by-side with the klisp repository to share tests and library code. make run opens a repl, make build builds release binaries, and make clean removes any generated files.

Running make run-all (the default behavior) or make by itself will look for the Klisp standard library tests installed locally on your machine next to this repo, and run them.