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…ttings. It this is set to True, the pipeline will attempt to bootstrap the initial dispersion solution (using the static line list) with lines from a line-atlas. The line-atlas contains more lines and lines with more precise wavelength measurements.

* **FEATURE**: a new 'reducer' module and terminal command replace the old `_reduce_all/sh` script. This allows the data-organiser to dynamically self-correct if a recipe fails.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** robustness fixes and updates.
* `pinhole_fwhm_px_min` and `pinhole_fwhm_px_max` settings added to `soxs-spatial-solution`. Detected pinholes with a FWHM below/above these values get clipped.
* **FIXED**: The bad-pixel mask from the noise map of the mbias frame is now injected mbias product. The Xshooter UVB electron trap is now clearly visible in the master bias quality extension.
* `mph_line_set_min` setting added to `soxs-spatial-solution`. Full multi-pinholes sets (same arc line) with fewer than mph_line_set_min lines detected get clipped.
Assets 2