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Python MPD client with integrated Last.FM support


suggestive required python 3.5 or higher. Also, you'll probably want a Last.FM scrobbler to make use of the album ordering features. I personally prefer mpdscribble, but whatever floats your boat.

Installation via git

$ git clone
$ cd suggestive
$ python3 install


$ suggestive -h
usage: suggestive [-h] [--log LOG] [--config CONFIG] [--update] [--no_update]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log LOG, -l LOG     Log file path
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Config file path
  --update, -u          Update database
  --no_update, -U       Do not update database
                        Re-initialize scrobbles from LastFM


suggestive looks for a configuration file in the following places (in-order):

  1. $HOME/.suggestive.conf
  2. /etc/suggestive.conf

You can also force a certain config path using the -c option. Before you can run suggestive, you must supply two pieces of information: your Last.FM username and a Last.FM API key. You can sign up for an API key here.

Here is a minimal suggestive configuration file:

user = my_lastfm_user
api_key = 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
api_secret = 141iojhu789uihy78uiho9uih89080

A sample configuration file is available.


suggestive uses vim-like keybindings.


  • q, <C-c> - Quit
  • : - Enter command mode
  • u - Update mpd
  • U - Force suggestive database update
  • p - Pause/resume playback
  • <C-w> - Switch between open buffers
  • r - Reload library (useful to recalculate album order)
  • L - Toggle track loved status


  • h, arrow-left - Left
  • j, arrow-down - Down
  • k, arrow-up - Up
  • l, arrow-right - Right
  • <C-f>, page-down - Scroll one page down
  • <C-b>, page-up - Scroll one page up
  • g, home - Go to top
  • G, end - Go to bottom


  • / - Search forward
  • ? - Search backward
  • n - Next search result
  • N - Previous search result


  • space - Enqueue album/track
  • enter - Play album/track
  • z - Toggle tracks fold (i.e. toggle album tracks display)
  • i - Toggle ignored (ignored tracks always appear at the bottom of the library)


  • c - Clear playlist
  • d - Remove track
  • enter - Play track
  • m - Enter move mode
  • > - Next track
  • < - Previous track

Command mode

General commands

  • q - quit
  • playlist - toggle playlist buffer
  • library - toggle library buffer
  • orientation - (Alias: or) toggle between vertical and horizontal orientations
  • score <show=bool> - Toggle or set whether or not to show the ordering score in the library


  • seek <seconds> - Seek the currently playing track to the given position. If seconds begins with + or -, then seek to the given time relative to the present.


suggestive tries to order your library so that albums you'd probably like to listen to are close to the top, while albums you don't like are towards the bottom. However, you can change what's displayed using one or more filters or orderers. Note that you can compose multiple filters/orderers by issuing succesive commands.

  • <ESC> - Clear all filters/orderers, restoring the default ordering (may be disabled with the library/esc_resets_orderers config option)
  • :album <name> - (Alias: al) Only display albums matching name (case-insensitive)
  • :artist <name> - (Alias: ar) Only display albums of the artist matching name (case-insensitive)
  • :loved <min=0.0> <max=1.0> <reverse=false> - (Alias: lo) Display albums in order of fraction of tracks loved. You may optional specify the minimum or maximum fraction of loved tracks for an album to be displayed
  • :modified <reverse=false> - (Alias: mod) Sort by file modification time, which can be useful for finding recently-downloaded albums
  • :playcount <min=0.0> <max=None> <reverse=false> - (Alias: pc) Display albums in order of fractional playcount (i.e. number of scrobbles / number of tracks). Note that this number can be greater than 1 tracks from the library
  • :sort <reverse=false> - Sort albums using the string 'artist - album'
  • :reset - Reset library order to default
  • :unorder - Remove all orderings (Alias: unordered)


suggestive provides the capability of sorting your library with one or more filters or "orderers". It assigns a simple ranking to albums according to the orderers you have specified, with higher ranked albums at the top. The default ordering gives higher weight to albums with more loved tracks, as well as those with a higher fractional playcount. These orderers work in concert, so an album with many loved tracks might be ranked similarly to one that has been played many times, but lower to one that has both. The available orderer commands are album, artist, loved, playcount, sort, and modified. See the library commands section for more information.

Either hitting esc or using the :reset command will reset the orderers back to the default, which is loved; playcount. You can change the default in your config file using the library.default_order option. The format is just a semicolor-separated list of orderer commands, without the preceding colon. For example, this sets the default ordering to modification date in reverse order:

default_order = modified reverse=true

If you wish to work from scratch with no ordering, use the :unorder command.

Custom order commands

You can combine one or more order commands to create your own custom orderer commands. This can be done in your config file, similarly to setting a default orderer; see the example config file for more information.

Here's an example that creates a command mycommand that uses the loved and playcount orderers:

mycommand = unorder; loved max=0; playcount

mycommand will then be accessible from command mode in the library buffer, just like any other orderer.

Known Issues

Although I am using suggestive as my full-time MPD client, it's still somewhat early in development, and you might encounter some problems while using it.

Sometimes, you can resolve an issue by deleting/renaming the suggestive database file ($HOME/.suggestive/music.db by default), and then re-running suggestive, which will rebuild the database. If this does not resolve the problem, please open up a GitHub issue.

Development Notes

Database Migrations

I use alembic to generate migrations for suggestive's internal sqlite database. To generate database migrations:

  1. Install the latest version of suggestive and run it at least once to migrate to the latest database version
  2. Copy alembic.ini.template to alembic.ini
  3. Replace <INSERT SUGGESTIVE DB PATH HERE> with the path to your suggestive database, e.g. /home/myuser/.suggestive/music.db.
  4. Make changes to the database model
  5. Create a new migration file: alembic revision --autogenerate -m '<COMMIT MESSAGE>'


Python MPD client with integrated Last.FM support





