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OpenShift Online Developer Center

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This repo contains AsciiDoc versions of the OpenShift Online Developer Center.


The manuals themselves are .adoc files written in AsciiDoc, so they are easily human-readable. However, they are intended to be published in various formats, notably HTML.

Get started by adding a few remotes to your local copy of the upstream project source:

git clone
git remote add upstream
git remote add MY_GH_USERNAME
git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git branch --set-upstream-to upstream/master

Building w/Awestruct

Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites, inspired by the Jekyll utility in the same genre. It requires at least Ruby 1.9.3 (see known issues).

First, install the awestruct and bundler gems and resolve any dependencies.

$ gem install awestruct bundler

Local Live Preview with rake

To get started using Rake, within the lib folder of the project, run:

$ cd lib
$ rake setup

To generate the files, regenerate pages on changes, and start a server to preview the site in your browser at http://localhost:4242, run:

$ rake

This is a shortcut for rake preview.

If you need to clear out the generated site from a previous run (recommended), simply run

$ rake clean preview

Content on the live site will look exactly as it does in your development environment. Please verify all content changes before submitting a pull request.


Detailed contribution guidelines are available here:

To contribute changes, setup your own local copy of this project. Then, create a new branch (from master), to store your changes:

git checkout master # make sure you fork from the master branch
git pull upstream master # make sure the master branch is clean and up-to-date
git branch my-feature-branch # cut a new branch FROM MASTER, name it after your feature
git checkout my-feature-branch # switch to the new branch to make your changes

After completing your changes, test and review them locally. Then add and commit your changeset:

git status
git diff
git add lib/en/my-new-file.adoc lib/en/my-changed-file.adoc
git status
git commit -m "describe your changes here"

Next, push your new branch to your remote fork on github:

git remote -v # find the git remote name for your fork

Finally, send us a Pull Request comparing your new branch with openshift/devcenter:master.

When you're done, repeat the steps in this section to switch back to master, update your repo, and cut a new feature branch (from master).

Creating New Documents

At a minimum, the first several lines of a new .adoc document must follow this pattern:

layout: base <1>
category: 03_Languages <2>
breadcrumb: Languages <3>
parent_url: <4>
nav_title: JBossAS/Wildfly <5>
nav_priority: 2 <6>
meta_desc: JBossAS Developers - OpenShift Resources to host your Java applications in the cloud. <7>
= JBossAS Overview <8>

Start writing your content here.

<1> .haml layout used by page (defined in _layouts - in general use base)
<2> Used for left-nav categorization/display. Number is priority level, String is leftnav display string
<3> Used for breadcrumbs - should be same as category without numbers or underscore
<4> Used for breadcrumbs - url of parent
<5> Used in leftnav - Link text for this specific page
<6> Used in leftnav - sort order for the page in this specific category
<7> Meta description - for SEO
<8> Title of page (only set once)

For the rest of the document, make sure that you are following proper AsciiDoc syntax and preview your document before submitting a pull request. There's no magic in how the documentation is built, so if it doesn't look right in your sandbox, it won't look right on the documentation site.

Test and Review PRs

Many pull requests can be merged online, using GitHub's web-based tools.

To test PRs submissions locally, switch back to master and set up a local copy of the contributed code:

git checkout master #switch back to master
git status # should be clean
git pull upstream master # get the latest
git remote add GH_CONTRIBUTOR
git pull GH_CONTRIBUTOR BRANCH_NAME # merge contributions from the remote feature branch into master (locally)

In addition to local testing, the feature branch can also be deployed to OpenShift for review.

If everything looks good, push the updated master branch back to github:

git push upstream master

Mentioning PR numbers in commit messages will automatically generate links:

git commit -m 'merging pull request #123, thanks for contributing!'

If the Pull Request requires additional work, add a comment on GitHub describing the changes, and reset your repo's local master branch to it's previous state:

git reset --hard HEAD^

Hosting on OpenShift

A hosted copy of these docs can be launched using the rhc command line tool.

Since the GitHub repo is currently private, an alternate launch workflow is required.

First, cwd into your local devcenter project folder:

cd devcenter

Then, create a remote ruby-1.9 container, setup the resulting git remote, and --force push our local repo history into the new environment:

NEW_GIT_REMOTE_URL=$(rhc app create $APP_NAME ruby-1.9 --no-git --no-dns | grep "Git remote:" | sed -e 's/.*Git remote: *\([^ ]*\)/\1/')
git remote add $APP_NAME $NEW_GIT_REMOTE_URL
git push -f $APP_NAME master

Rerun with different APP_NAME values to set up additional deployment targets. Subsequent deployments can be made with git push APP_NAME master.

By default, OpenShift will build your site using the master branch. To deploy an alternate branch, use rhc app configure:

rhc app configure -a APP_NAME --deployment-branch BRANCH_NAME

Known Issues

  • Ruby-1.9.3 compatibility issues resulting in Seg Fault from nokogiri: If you are unable to run rake or rake setup, try installing rvm (may require reboot), then run rvm install 2.0 followed by rvm use 2.0.