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MEAN stack IoT Dashboard with websockets for browser client to server to IoT simulated device server.

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#IoTexpress Dashboard

The IoTexpress Dashboard is a NodeJS/Express based web server with browser based client created to receive, store and display a live data feed from a remote server/IoT device. The remote server emits a simulated IoT device data feed in JSON format. By setting up a simulated data feed with standard JSON formatted data web developers can create and test IoT software solutions without the added complexity of creating and deploying hardware devices. The live connection is provided by Graphs are D3.JS with a angular-nvd3 wrapper for use in Angular.

note: Heroku service for this app is available 18 hours per day and can be slow to respond if in sleep mode due to lack of activity on the app. Please be patient with the page load. Do try again later if you recieve a non-404 error at the page linked above.

A Screencast of the dashboard in action is included in the GitHub repo.


Process Documentation

  • IoTdashboardAppplanning
  • IoTdashboardAppplanning
  • IoTdashboardAppplanning
  • IoTdashboardAppplanning

Key components, modules, dependencies:

  • nodeJS
  • Express server
  • mongoDB
  • AngularJS
  • Bower front-end:
    • "dependencies": {
      • "angular": "^1.5.0",
      • "nvd3": "^1.8.2",
      • "d3": "^3.5.16",
      • "angular-nvd3": "^1.0.5",
      • "": "^1.4.5",
  • Packages:
    • "dependencies": {
      • "body-parser": "^1.13.3",
      • "compression": "^1.5.2",
      • "cookie-parser": "^1.3.3",
      • "express": "^4.13.3",
      • "glob": "^6.0.4",
      • "jade": "^1.11.0",
      • "method-override": "^2.3.0",
      • "mongoose": "^4.1.2",
      • "morgan": "^1.6.1",
      • "serve-favicon": "^2.3.0",
      • "": "^1.4.5",
      • "": "^1.4.5" },
    • "devDependencies": {
      • "gulp": "^3.9.0",
      • "gulp-ruby-sass": "^2.0.1",
      • "gulp-nodemon": "^2.0.2",
      • "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.0",
      • "gulp-plumber": "^1.0.0" }
  • Gulp
  • Jade
  • Hosted on Heroku
  • This project was initiated from Yeoman with the 'generator-express' generator module.
  • d3 graphs ported for use in AngularJS were derived from work by Konstantin Skipor. The examples were altered to derive graph data from the server data base and a live stream of simulated IoT sensor data delered in real time via web sockets.
  • SERVER SIDE ROUTER FILE is app/controllers/home.js


  • Git
  • Node.js and npm Node ^4.2.3, npm ^2.14.7
  • Bower, $ npm install --global bower
  • Ruby and then gem install sass
  • Gulp, $ npm install --global gulp
  • MongoDB, ensure a mongo daemon is running with $mongod to start mongo (mongo does not start automatically on boot for most systems)


  • Run $ npm install to install server dependencies.
  • Run $ bower install to install front-end dependencies.
  • Run mongod in a separate terminal window/tab to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running
  • Run gulp serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Directions for use:

  • This code base was created with the intent of hosting online with Heroku.
    • For deployment to heroku you will need to set up a mLab account add-on. Then add the MONGOLAB_URI as an process environmental variable. This is configured in config/config.js.
  • It can be run locally with the same effect
  • There are two application required: the web server and a stand alone client.js found in /simple-socket-example/client.js or the more complete app IoTExpress
  • fork and then clone this repo locally
  • $npm install
  • Fire up mongoDB from shell with $mongod before starting app.
  • To start the app use $gulp from within the project directory. This should precompile all asets and launch the welcome page in your browser on port 3000. The welcome page serves only to let the user know that the server is up.
  • At this point you will see a series of diagnostic and informative logs in your console. The server starts to transmit the mock sensor data only on connection and while connected to a client.
  • To test the functionality of the websockets open a new terminal window and then start the client with $node client.js If both client and server are functional the server will begin to emmit mock sensor data. The terminals will log the back and forth.

Notes and Gotchas:

  • Ensure that upon deployment you have removed /components from the .gitignore file or else your libraries will not be along for the ride
  • The GitHub repo contains the directory /simple-socket-example. This contains a simple websocket server and client for use in the command line. It provides the websockets framework that was integrated into this app with browser client.


  • Tests are written with mocha.
  • Install: npm install -g mocha
  • Run: $mocha or npm test

Resource Links


MEAN stack IoT Dashboard with websockets for browser client to server to IoT simulated device server.






No releases published


