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Additional .taskrc options

theunraveler edited this page Dec 30, 2012 · 2 revisions


As of taskwarrior-web 1.0.10, you can specify a filter for the task listing page. In your .taskrc file, add a new line with a value for task-web.filter. For example:

task-web.filter=status:pending scheduled.none: or scheduled.before:now

The format should be the same as taskwarrior's except there is no support for quoted strings and parentheses yet. So something like the following won't work:

task-web.filter=status:pending '(scheduled.none: or scheduled.before:now)'


As of v1.0.13, you may specify a set of filters to run for generating the app badge count if you are using Fluid app. The filters should be the same as noted above.

task-web.user and task-web.passwd

Enables HTTP Basic authentication for taskwarrior-web. The task-web.user parameter is the HTTP auth username, and task-web.passwd is the password.