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Vignesh edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the stock_hawk wiki!



  • Running a script on AWS without a deployment tool like jenkins, requires all the libraries/packages to be locally maintained.
  • Refer documentation to begin setup.
  • Lambda handler or source file should always be in the root.
  • Use the following file structure.
    ——— src or .zip
    ——— ———
    ——— some-sub-directory

Quick tip:

  • create a fresh folder eg: lambda_function and drop your code there (DON'T use sub-folders).
  • pip install any package in the format (pip3 install 'package' --target=~/lambda_function/)
  • wrap everything together as a .zip file and upload it to AWS.
  • root file should be directly accessible within the .zip, so don't include any unnecessary additional sub-folders.

1. Below are the parameters that has to be on your AWS SSM.

  • Name = user; Value = Robinhood login email address
  • Name = pass; Value = Robinhood login password
  • Name = qr; Value = Robinhood MFA QR code (Check for steps in original
  • Name = ACCESS_KEY; Value = AWS login access key
  • Name = SECRET_KEY; Value = AWS secret key
  • Name = SENDER; Value = sender email address (verified via AWS SES)
  • Name = RECIPIENT; Value = receiver email address (verified via AWS SES)

    Optional (If you'd like to setup whats app notifications else skip these, app will still run):
  • Name = SID; Value = S-ID from twilio
  • Name = TOKEN; Value = Token from twilio
  • Name = SEND; Value = sender whats app number (fromat - +1xxxxxxxxxx)
  • Name = RECEIVE; Value = receiver whats app number (fromat - +1xxxxxxxxxx)

2. Setup lambda function and attach an IAM policy

  • Create a lambda function with the handler as robinhood.send_whatsapp (this will invoke the send_whats app function inside the file)
  • Create an IAM policy with read access to GetParameter and attached to the executing lambda function.
  • Once that is done, make sure to check your lambda function's permission to SSM.
  • Policy update time: ~5-10 minutes.

3. If you like to setup a cron schedule:

  • Add trigger to your lambda function (Trigger name: CloudWatch Events/EventBridge)
  • Refer aws docs for scheduling format.

4. If you like to include historical report graphs for your stocks:

  • Use files in the repo Historical_Graphs_Included
  • This uses the historical data for your stocks and plots the data as a graph.
  • Use /tmp/ for it to work on AWS (default writable folder by AWS)
  • matplotlib could be a tricky part to implement on lambda so I have added few steps below.
  • Go to
  • Choose your python version (37 for 3.7 and 38 for 3.8) and download the manylinux1_x86_64.whl file.
  • unzip filename.whl && rm filename.whl
  • zip all your folders together and upload it to an S3 bucket and run your lambda connecting to S3.