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Web Crawler

Toy URL web crawler done for a take-home assignment.


You need to have Python 3.8+ and poetry installed. Afterwards run:

$ poetry install

To test if the installation worked, you can use:

$ poetry run web-crawler -h
usage: Web Crawler [-h] -u URL [-d DEPTH] [-w WORKERS] [-j] [--debug] [--version]

A simple Python web crawler

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     URL to crawl
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        depth limit (default: 2)
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        maximum number of workers (default: 10)
  -j, --json            output JSON instead of Python's internal representation
  --debug               enable debug log (WARNING: very verbose)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

To run the tests:

$ poetry run pytest -vv

You can also run black to check for code formatting and mypy to check for types:

$ poetry run pytest --black --mypy --mypy-ignore-missing-imports

There is also a Makefile available describing some common commands.

Another option to install is to use the provided Dockerfile:

$ docker build -t web-crawler .
$ docker run -it --rm web-crawler pytest -vv
$ docker run -it --rm web-crawler web-crawler --help


Crawling a page (the protocol is required!):

$ poetry run web-crawler -u ''

By default this will recursively crawl the page until hitting the limit of 2. You can increase this limit by using -d parameter:

$ poetry run web-crawler -u '' -d 4

To not overload the server with requests, the maximum number of simultaneous connections is limited. By default up to 10 workers will work concurrently, if you want to change this limit use the -w parameter:

$ poetry run web-crawler -u '' -w 20

If you want to output using JSON representation instead of Python's internal one, you can pass the -j flag to it:

$ poetry run web-crawler -u '' -j

Tip: You can filter the JSON output using jq:

$ poetry run web-crawler -u '' -j | jq '."".""'

If you want to debug the application there is also a debug log (warning: very verbose):

$ poetry run web-crawler -u '' -j --debug


See file.