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The only dependencies for this project should be docker and docker-compose.

go to nginx/nginx-conf and change your the servername with your domain name or localhost

Starting the project with hot-reloading enabled (the first time it will take a while):

Change into your project directory and run:

chmod +x scripts/

This will build and run the docker containers, run the alembic migrations, and load the initial data (a test user).

It may take a while to build the first time it's run since it needs to fetch all the docker images.

Once you've built the images once, you can simply use regular docker-compose commands to manage your development environment, for example to start your containers:

docker-compose up -d

go to nginx/nginx-conf and change your the servername with your domain name or localhost

To run the alembic migrations (for the users table):

docker-compose run --rm backend alembic upgrade head

And navigate to http://localhost:8000


you need to locate the api docker image by running

docker container ls
docker exec -it  <backend_container> bash

inside run:

certbot --nginx -d -d

you'll folllow instruction and the ssl certificate should activate

quit the container terminal


git restore .

if you make new changes you only need to restart the container and reactivate the ssl certification

For auto renew run

certbot --dry-run

Rebuilding containers:

docker-compose build

Restarting containers:

docker-compose restart

Bringing containers down:

docker-compose down

Frontend Development

Alternatively to running inside docker, it can sometimes be easier to use npm directly for quicker reloading. To run using npm:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

This should redirect you to http://localhost:3000

Frontend Tests

cd frontend
npm install
npm test


Migrations are run using alembic. To run all migrations:

docker-compose run --rm backend alembic upgrade head

To create a new migration:

alembic revision -m "create users table"

And fill in upgrade and downgrade methods. For more information see Alembic's official documentation.


There is a helper script for both frontend and backend tests:


Backend Tests

docker-compose run backend pytest

any arguments to pytest can also be passed after this command

Frontend Tests

docker-compose run frontend test

This is the same as running npm test from within the frontend directory


docker-compose logs

Or for a specific service:

docker-compose logs -f name_of_service # frontend|backend|db

Project Layout

└── app
    ├── alembic
    │   └── versions # where migrations are located
    ├── api
    │   └── api_v1
    │       └── endpoints
    ├── core    # config
    ├── db      # db models
    ├── tests   # pytest
    └── # entrypoint to backend

└── public
└── src
    ├── components
    │   └── Home.tsx
    ├── config
    │   └── index.tsx   # constants
    ├── __tests__
    │   └── test_home.tsx
    ├── index.tsx   # entrypoint
    └── App.tsx     # handles routing


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