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OCaml run-time patterns that explain match failures


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pattern: Run-time patterns that explain match failures

pattern is a PPX extension that generates functions from patterns that explain match failures by returning the common context and the list of differences between a pattern and a value.

pattern can be used with dune by using the preprocess field.

  (preprocess (pps pattern.ppx))
  (libraries ... pattern ...))

To quote the differences, the generated function needs a /quoted/ version of the value to be matched, that is to say a value of type Parsetree.expression that represents the AST of the value to be matched. This quoted version can be obtained by using a quotation (for instance, with metaquot: [%expr x] is the quoted version of the value x), or by using a /lifter/, that is to say a function of type 'a -> Parsetree.expression where 'a is the type of the matched value. Such a lifter can be derived for instance with the refl library (Refl.Lift.Exp.lift [%refl: t] [] x for lifting x of type t).

type example = { x : int; y : int; z : int }
    [@@deriving refl]

let () =
  let v = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
  let quoted = Refl.Lift.Exp.lift [%refl: example] [] v in
  match [%pattern? { x = 1; y = 2; z = 4 }] ~quoted v with
  | Ok () -> assert false
  | Error failure ->
      Format.printf "%a@." Pattern.format_failure failure;
      (* { x = _; y = _; z = (@0) }
         @0: Expected: 4
             Got: 3 *)
        match failure with
        | { common = [%pat?
              { x = _; y = _;
                z = [%p? { ppat_desc = Ppat_var { txt = "@0"; _ }; _}]}];
            mismatches = [{
              ident = "@0";
              expected = [%pat? 4];
              got = Some [%expr 3];
            }]} -> ()
        | _ -> assert false

If patterns have binders, then in case of successful match, the generated function returns Ok bindings, where bindings is an object, with one constant method for each binder.

let () =
  let v = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
  let quoted = Refl.Lift.Exp.lift [%refl: example] [] v in
  match [%pattern? { x; y; z }] ~quoted v with
  | Ok binders ->
      assert (binders#x = 1);
      assert (binders#y = 2);
      assert (binders#z = 3)
  | Error failure ->
      Format.printf "%a@." Pattern.format_failure failure;
      assert false

Pattern.check can be used to match a value against a pattern without having to repeat the value when calling the quoter. Since the value argument is passed before the pattern, if the type of the value is known during type inference, then it can be used to resolve the variant constructor and the record field names that appear in the pattern.

let () =
  let v = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
  let quoter = Refl.Lift.Exp.lift [%refl: example] [] in
  match Pattern.check quoter v [%pattern? { x; y; z }] with
  | Ok binders ->
      assert (binders#x = 1);
      assert (binders#y = 2);
      assert (binders#z = 3)
  | Error failure ->
      Format.printf "%a@." Pattern.format_failure failure;
      assert false


OCaml run-time patterns that explain match failures



BSD-2-Clause, BSD-2-Clause licenses found

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