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Myason Project

Myason aims to become a traffic engineering tool allowing, in the long term, a fine analysis of application flows transiting on a network of any size.

Myason documents


Myason developement is currently based on following technologies:

We strongly encourage using virtual environnements in the developement process.

Application usage


python [-h] {agent,collector,ifconfig,keygen} ...

positional arguments:

        agent           agent help
        collector       server help
        ifconfig        Prints list of available adapters
        keygen          Generates a Fernet key

optional arguments:

    -h, --help show this help message and exit

Myason agent:

python agent [-h]  [-lc LOGGER_CONF] [-ac AGENT_CONF]

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help          show this help message and exit
        -lc LOGGER_CONF,    --logger-conf LOGGER_CONF
        -ac AGENT_CONF,     --agent-conf AGENT_CONF

Myason collector:

python collector [-h]  [-lc LOGGER_CONF] [-cc COLLECTOR_CONF]

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help          show this help message and exit
        -lc LOGGER_CONF,    --logger-conf LOGGER_CONF
        -cc COLLECTOR_CONF, --collector-conf COLLECTOR_CONF

Myason ifconfig:

python myason ifconfig [-h]

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Myason keygen:

python myason keygen [-h]

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Application architecture


Agent architecture

A stack of four threads is running for each listenned interface :

  • A sniffer in charge of capturing the packets.

  • A packet processor in charge of the packets dissection.

  • An exporter processor in charge of sending flow entries to a collector.

  • A message processor in charge of the logging stuff of previous threads.

These threads communicate to each other by the mean of three thread-safe FIFO queues:

  • A packets queue filled by the sniffer and consumed by the packet processor.

  • A flows entries queue filled by the packet processor and consumed by the exporter processor.

  • A messages queue filled by the sniffer, the packet and the exporter processors and consumed by the message processor.

Packet processor

Everything begins with the cache and ends with the exporter.

The cache has a couple of basic jobs to do:

  • Interrogate data header of the packet and either mark it as a new flow or add it to part of an existing flow.
  • Keep track of the flow timers and other factors, and when a flow is considered complete, send it to the exporter (if one exists) and delete the flow. This process is known as flow aging.

The cache only keeps information on current and non-expired flows.

Each flow is defined as having values that match the following 7 fields uniquely:

  • Source IP address
  • Destination IP address
  • Source port number
  • Destination port number
  • Layer 3 protocol type
  • ToS byte value
  • IfIndex number, also called the logical interface number

When a packet is processed and all seven of these fileds match an existing flow, it's not considered a new flow but part of an existing flow. If any part of these seven fields doesn't exactly match an existing flow, it's then a new flow and a new flow record is created.

These above fields are the key fields.

The following fields are non-key fields and are stored in the flow record identified by the key fields.

  • Bytes
  • Packets
  • Output interface IfIndex
  • Flow start and finish time
  • Next hop IP
  • Network masks
  • TCP flags
  • Source and destination BGP AS numbers

The cache aging

The agent may have a limited amount of memory to store information, so at some point the device has to make room for new flows. This is where flow aging and exporting comes into play.

The packet processor keeps track of of several factors regarding the flows and the status of the cache itself.

Here are the factors the agent uses to age flows and either delete them or export to a collector and then delete. These are listed in order of precedence:

  • Cache maximum size (max number of flow records).
  • A TCP connection has been terminated by a RST (reset) or FIN (finish) flag in the flow.
  • An active flow timer or inactive flow timer limit is reached.

Exporter processor

The exporter processor sends the aged flow entries to the collector which is in charge of storing them.

The entries are marshalled to a json string, base 64 encoded and then sent to the collector.


Collector architecture

Three thread type are running:

  • A Listener running in non-blocking mode, receiving UDP messages from agents.

  • A (configurable number of) processor

  • A (configurable number of) writer

  • A messenger

These threads communicate to each other by the mean of three thread-safe FIFO queues:

  • A records queue filled by the listener and consumed by the processor.

  • A entries queue filled by the processor and consumed by the exporter.

  • A messages queue filled by the listener, the processors and the exporters and consumed by the message processor.


A thread, socket bounded on configurable IP address and UDP port.


The processors are in charge of:

  • Decrypting fernet tokens according to the keys associated to each agent.
  • Base 64 decoding of the received entries.
  • Building a dictionnary from the entries.
  • Verifying the conformance of the received entries.


The writers are in charge of inserting the records in the InfluxDB TSDB.


The messenger is in charge of the logging of the other working threads.

Payloads encryption

Fernet Spec

We use fernet format for encrypting the payloads sent from agants to collectors

This document describes version 0x80 (currently the only version) of the fernet format.

Each encrypted message (refered to as a "fernet token") is checked upon a maximum of 5 (five) seconds TTL and is rejected if older than this.


Samples created with Grafana:

grafana flows

grafana flows

grafana flows

grafana flows

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