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Tech Ed

An E-Learning application

Semantic Commit Messages

Commit rule of this project

Format: <type>(<scope>): <subject>

<scope> is optional


feat: add hat wobble
^--^  ^------------^
|     |
|     +-> Summary in present tense.
+-------> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, or test.

More Examples:

  • feat: (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
  • fix: (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
  • docs: (changes to the documentation)
  • style: (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change)
  • refactor: (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
  • test: (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
  • chore: (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)

Folder Structure

The project folder structures is splited using folder-by-structure method.

1. App This folder contains all the features in the application. Each child folder of this directory is a distinct feature with common directory is universial that can be shared by the others.

2. Base This directory contains all the base classes with essential functionality that could be implemented during developing process.

3. Config This folder acts as a resource of the project, containning routes configuration, colors, dimensions, styles and constants...

4. Core

The core folder contains all the environment variables as well as platform-specific and errors configurations.

5. Generated

WARNING!!! Do NOT modify this folder as it will be automatically generated during running the application.

6. Services

Contains all the service of the application, this including dialog services, localstore services, rest services...

7. Utils

Contains all the helper that can be shared and resuable in others projects. This also including the dependency initializer file where we inject dependency through out the application.

How to use


This template follow the Test Driven Development process and Clean Architecture. Hence it is essential to have fundamental knowledge about 2 above concepts.

Implementing features

All the feature of the application are placed in app folder. Each feature is spliited into 3 different folder named domain, data, presentation with different usages.

  1. Domain Containing 3 child directories named entities, usecases,repositories:

    - Entities: The core entity of the feature, used to display to view.
    - Usecases: Functionalities of the feature.
    - Repository: A contract to communicate between domain and data.
  2. Data Containing 3 child directories named repositories, models, datasources:

    - Repositories: The implementation of repository specified in the domain folder.
    - Models: A model that is returned from application's boundary such as from API, local storage
    - Datasource: The sources where the application start communicating with other interfaces.
  3. Presentation Containing 3 child directories named pages, business-logic-handler, widgets:

    - pages: Contains pages of the features
    - business-logic-handler: This is the component communicates with domain layer and depends on the state managment, whether it could be a bloc, provider, controller, etc...
    - widgets (optional):  contains widgets used in pages
  4. Injection Container

    This file is usally placed at the root of the feature folder and instantiate at the dependency_initializer file. Etc: home_injection_container.dart

Application configuration

Depends on the application specification, you will need to modify several values and configuration in order to match the requirements.

Modify the environment variables

  • Depends on the DEV and PRODUCTION stages, you will need to update the env
  • To switch between stages, go to the app_runner.dart and update this line.
  • To add more environment, just add it to env folder follow the structure.

Configurate localization

  1. To add more localization (languages, resources), go to translation folder and add new [language-code].json file or modify the existed resouces. etc: en.json

  2. Generate keys using this command

flutter pub run easy_localization -S assets/translations -o locale_keys.g.dart -f keys
  1. Transform from keys to string resource


Because the application follow feature-by-folder structure, each page will contains a different business-logic-handler. For this project, we instantiate it in the routes.dart

To add named route to the application, modify the rooutes.dart file inside the function onGenerateRoute

Base API response model.

The application RestAPI service depends on the return Base model defined. You can override this model by modifying response_model.dart. Also server error will also be parsed to model.


An E-Learning application







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Contributors 4
