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Linda Alblas edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the DMIS wiki!

                                         |                  |
                                         |   App            |
                                         |   Angular 4      |
                                         |   Bootstrap      |
      +----------------------------------+   OpenLayers     |
      |                                  |   SASS           |
      |                   +--------------+                  |
      |                   |              +--------+---------+
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      |                   |              +--------v---------+               +--------------+
      |                   |              |                  |               |              |
      |                   |              |                  |               |              |
      |                   |              |   Python REST    +--------------->   GeoServer  |
      |                   |              |       API        |               |              |
      |                   |              |                  |               |              |
      |                   |              +----------+-------+               +-----+--------+
      |                   |                         |                             |
      |                   |                         <-----------------------------+
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |                   +-----v----+                   +---------+
+-----v----+     +--------v---------+         |          |                   |         |
|          |     |                  |         |          | dmis_layers       |  AWS S3 |   Earth Networks
|   OSM    |     | PDC ArcGIS REST  |         |  DMIS DB | dmis_layer_info   |         |   Lightning data
|          |     |                  |         |          | dmis_data         |         |   (CSV)
+----------+     +------------------+         |          | dmis_users        |         |
                                              +----------+                   +---------+

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