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Patrick edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 11 revisions

ugety for .NET Core

Nugety for Microsoft .NET Core provides support for the Modular Composition of both Web and Native applications. It employs a Provider Model for the discovery of modules which are then loaded into the Assembly Load Context. Nugety is best suited to ASP.NET Core or any application which employs an IoC container such as Autofac, Castle, Spring.Net or Unity. An IoC container will allow the modules to interact while still maintaining the all important Seperation of Concerns.

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Why use Nugety?

This question is best answered by the likes of Martin Fowler in his blog post Sacrificial Architecture. The most effective way of adhering to the principal of Sacrificial Architecture is through Modular Architecture. Modular architecture encourages the logical and physical Separation of Concerns allowing functionality to be easily upgraded or replaced.

In comparison to monolithic composition of components and assemblies which is arguably an anti-pattern, Modular design is now actively encouraged by Microsoft and is a fundamental principal of ASP.NET Core.

Nugety allows all related aspects of a feature, including Services, Components and Static Files to be registered with the host application. NugetyCore will load each Module Initializer assembly and any dependencies via a module specific Assembly Load Context. This will help in the Separation of Concerns and in minimising any leakage between modules.

So what now?

How about some Use Cases for Nugety?

How do I Get Started with Nugety?

Where can I find latest NuGet packages for NugetyCore?