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Menu Structure ThinkingRock 3.7.0

Urs Joss edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

Main Menu Bar - with nested entries

Menu Bar

1. Menu File

Menu File
  • New

  • Open (CTRL)

  • Open Recent

    • …​

    • Clear Recent Files

  • Save

  • Save As

  • Backup

  • Import

    • Thoughts

    • Project Template

  • Export

    • Actions (Text)

    • Actions (XML)

    • Export CSV Files

    • Reference Items (Text)

    • Reference Items (XML)

    • Someday/Maybe Items (Text)

    • Someday/Maybe Items (XML)

  • Report

    • Project Details (all)

    • Project Details (current)

    • Project Outline (all)

    • Project Outline (current)

  • Archive

  • Sync with iPhone

  • Exit

2. Menu Edit

Menu Edit
  • Cut

  • Copy

  • Paste

  • Delete

  • Find

3. Menu View

Menu View
  • IDE Log

  • Toolbars

    • File

    • Clipboard

    • TR Review

    • Undo/Redo

    • Performance

    • TR

    • TR Setup

    • TR Goals

    • TR iPhone

    • TR Help

    • Small Toolbar Icons

    • Reset Toolbars

    • Customize

4. Menu Setup

Menu Setup
  • Delegates

  • Contexts

  • Time Values

  • Energy Values

  • Priority Values

  • Topics

  • Goal Levels

5. Menu Collect

Menu Collect
  • Collect Thoughts

  • Add thoughts

  • Edit thought (Enter)

  • Delete thought (Delete)

6. Menu Process

Menu Process
  • Process Thoughts

  • Process

  • Add action

7. Menu Review

Menu Review
  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Year

  • Projects

  • Actions

  • Someday/Maybe Items

  • Reference Items

  • Goals

8. Menu Reports

Menu Reports
  • Actions: Do ASAP

  • Actions: Delegated

  • Actions: Scheduled

  • Actions: Done

  • PocketMod (1)

  • PocketMod (2)

  • Project Outline

  • Single Actions

  • Future Projects

  • Reference

  • Someday/Maybe

  • Weekly Review

9. Menu Tools

Menu Tools
  • Plugins

  • Reset Windows

  • Options

9.1. Plugins Dialog

Plugins Dialog
  • Updates

  • Available Plugins

  • Downloaded

  • Installed

  • Settings

9.2. Options Dialog

  • General

    Options Dialog — General Tab
  • Keymap

    Options Dialog — Keymap Tab
  • Appearance

    Options Dialog — Appearance Tab
    • Document Tabs

    • Windows

    • Look and Feel

  • Miscellaneous

    Options Dialog — Miscellaneous Tab
    • Actions

    • Action Screens

    • Android Sync

    • Application

    • Calendar

    • Calendar Sync

    • Data

    • Dates

    • Email

    • Email SMTP

    • Exports/Reports

    • GUI

    • Import Thoughts

    • iPhone Sync

    • Output

    • Projects

    • Recurrence

  • Actions Screens

    Options Dialog — Actions Screens Tab

10. Menu Help

Help Menu
  • Contextual Help

  • Overview

  • ThinkingRock Online

  • Help Contents

  • Shortcuts

    • Add Action

    • Add Project

    • Change Level

    • Collapse

    • Change Context

    • Copy

    • Cut

    • Delete

    • Expand

    • Move Down

    • Move Up

    • Paste

    • Convert to Project

    • Reprocess

    • Set Done

    • (F5)

    • Show/Hide Done

    • Change Topic

  • Check for Updates

  • About