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This repository contains the configuration files a.k.a. the dotfiles of my Arch-Linux sway setup

  • Distro: Arch
  • WM: Sway
  • Bar: Waybar
  • Menu: wofi
  • Compositor: picom
  • Terminal: alacritty
  • File Manager: ranger, pcmanfm
  • Music Player: -
  • Text editors: neovim, leafpad
  • Pictures viewer: sxiv, feh
  • Video player: mpv
  • PDF viewer: zathura
  • Theme: nord (nordic)
  • Font: Hack Nerd Font
  • Other:
    • cava, cmatrix, htop, youtube-dl
    • ueberzug, udiskie, udisks2, git, hddtemp, lm_sensors, libdvdcss, sysstat, gutenprint
    • ttf-font-icons, ttf-font-awesome, gnu-free-fonts, noto-fonts, ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-croscore, ttf-dejavu, ttf-droid, ttf-ibm-plex, ttf-liberation, ttf-ms-fonts, nerd-fonts-complete, ranger_devicons-git