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ThirdPlanet Demo dApp Let's Meet

Author: Fairiz Azizi

Sample Ethereum dApp reactjs front end using the Drizzle Framework.

This tutorial will:

  • install necessary prerequisites on an Ubuntu/Debian system
  • install Ethereum development tools: ganache-cli and truffle
  • start a private Ethereum dev node using ganache-cli
  • deploy the project to the dev test environment
  • demonstrate iterative development


Note: You may also consider tp-eth-hello, which will guide you in setting up your development environment.


Follow the installation instructions for your OS.

Then, for best practice purposes, update your node global installation prefix

$ npm config set prefix ~/node
$ export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:~/node/bin:$PATH
$ echo './node_modules/.bin:~/node/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

ethereum tools

$ npm install -g truffle
$ npm install -g ganache-cli

Check versions

$ truffle version
Truffle v4.1.14 (core: 4.1.14)
Solidity v0.4.24 (solc-js)

$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.1.8 (ganache-core: 2.2.1)

$ npm --version

Project Repository Notes

This project was initialized with the following command:

$ truffle unbox drizzle

It was then simplified and customized for the purpose of this tutorial.

For more information, see:

Typical Development Workflow

Install nodejs dependencies

The following command will install nodejs packages into the node_modules/ subdirectory.

These packages are defined as dependencies in the package.json file.

$ npm install .
added 1590 packages from 1205 contributors and audited 287133 packages in 72.965s

Start ganache

Start your local Ethereum client node.

$ ganache-cli --verbose --gasLimit=8000000 --gasPrice=6000000000

Note: Get the latest gas limit and price values from This will ensure that your contracts are tested with realistic gas cost expectations.

Truffle console

$ truffle console
$ truffle(development> compile
$ truffle(development> test
$ truffle(development> migrate

Using network 'development'.

Compiling ./contracts/LetsMeet.sol...

6 passing (1s)

Using network 'development'.
Deploying Migrations...
Deploying LetsMeet...

The LetsMeet smart contract is now live!

Contract interaction samples

You can run the following commands from the truffle console to interact with the smart contract.

$ truffle(development> LetsMeet.deployed().then(function(instance){return"what", "when");}).then(function(value){return value.toNumber()});

$ truffle(development> LetsMeet.deployed().then(function(instance){return;}).then(function(value){return value.toNumber()});

Start front end webserver

The following should open your web browser to http://localhost:3000/

$ npm run start

Dev Tips

Modifying a Contract

After modifying contracts/*.sol:

$ truffle(development)> test
$ truffle(development)> migrate

Browser should refresh automatically.

Updating css/js

After modifying the frontend resources in src/, there is no need to restart the front end webserver.

The browser should refresh automatically.

Try removing some of the <div/> sections from src/layouts/home/Home.js to see this happening, live in your browser!


The above walked us through iterative development of a Drizzle Framework dApp.

I hope you learned a few tricks and become the next best dApp developer!


  • Error: Attempting to run transaction which calls a contract function

    • stop ganache (CTRL-c)
    • stop truffle (CTRL-d)
    • rm -fr build
    • start ganache, truffle
  • Error: Out of Gas

    • increase gas in <ContractForm ... sendArgs={{gas: 200000, gasPrice: '8000000000'}/>
    • or possible need to increase gasPrice if it is less than the gas setting for ganache


  • update UI to invoke voting methods

  • update UI to show counter proposals

  • update UI to show best proposal

  • add voting deadline capability



Sample dApp front end using the Drizzle Framework







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