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this-is-bennyk edited this page Jul 16, 2022 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Benjine wiki!

Look at the pages to see how to properly set up a project and create custom assets for a Benjine mod.
Note: The Benjine assumes you have some sort of experience working with the Godot game engine. Please do not ask me how to use Godot.


Benjine Tools: Some resources are cumbersome to edit in the file inspector alone (especially arrays / dictionaries). In the future, there will be tools to simplify this process.


Things I'd like to make, but am not guaranteeing to be on the roadmap.
TextureAtlas Support: You know how Sonic and BF were animated in FNFHD? I want to do that.
Benjine Charter: Sure, using other charters is nice, but one tailored to the file format of this engine would be better at some point.

Known Issues

  • Stuff in arrays / dictionaries sometimes aren't saved!
    I know, but unfortunately, that's a Godot issue.
    Exported arrays / dictionaries are shared across instances, including during runtime, and seem to be pretty stubborn when being edited in resources. Be careful when editing anything that's within either of those data types by not testing the data until absolutely necessary, then reloading the project after the test. Overwriting them by brute force seems to be the best workaround (see the roadmap for Benjine Tools).
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