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Comparison of compiled_mustache and mustache4dart

Travis CI User edited this page Dec 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

compiled_mustache version 1.0.2
mustache4dart version 2.1.0


Average: 6.995x
Minimum: 2.035x
Maximum: 17.798x

Combined compile and render time

Name compiled_mustache time (in μs) mustache4dart time (in μs) Difference factor
NoVars 45.09379509 211.37180300 4.687x
SmallVars 138.21700069 377.28730428 2.729x
LargeVars 2376.48456057 20190.00000000 8.495x
GiantVars 57314.28571428 218300.00000000 3.808x
Name compiled_mustache time (in μs) mustache4dart time (in μs) Difference factor
NoPartials 44.60402774 201.02522866 4.506x
SmallPartials 187.75816748 382.18994840 2.035x
LargePartials 2604.16666666 19841.58415841 7.619x
GiantPartials 54513.51351351 217900.00000000 3.997x

Compare compiled_mustache's render function vs mustache4dart's.

compile_mustache has the option to compile and cache a template, then render it later. This compares that functionality vs the less cacheable render function provided by mustache4dart

Name compiled_mustache time (in μs) mustache4dart time (in μs) Difference factor
NoVars 27.47630168 211.37180300 7.692x
SmallVars 56.46686806 377.28730428 6.681x
LargeVars 1134.35374149 20190.00000000 17.798x
GiantVars 38207.54716981 218300.00000000 5.713x
Name compiled_mustache time (in μs) mustache4dart time (in μs) Difference factor
NoPartials 27.45517941 201.02522866 7.321x
SmallPartials 67.80350544 382.18994840 5.636x
LargePartials 1183.43195266 19841.58415841 16.766x
GiantPartials 33866.66666666 217900.00000000 6.434x