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Playing with vagrant -- that's all.

Steps to play along

git checkout package

# optional - will be added automatically when we do 'vagrant up'
vagrant box add hashicorp/precise32 

# stand up our initial box and get all our things installed
vagrant up

# at this point we can 'vagrant ssh' into your box

# in order to not have to run the installations all the time we'll create a package
vagrant package --output

# add it so we can use it in future Vagrantfiles
vagrant box add  --name node-vim-dotfiles

# checkout the version in which we simplified the bootstrap script and are using our custom box in the Vagrantfile
git checkout first-app

# since our box is still up, we just need to provision it again to get it to bootstrap again
vagrant provision

# alternatively we could destroy/up to get totally fresh box
vagrant destroy
vagrant up

# at this point we can access our app at http://localhost:42222/

Multiple Slaves

git checkout slaves

This will create a machine for each slave and run them all, logging to separate log file for each.

The Vagrantfile was updated go spawn multiple slaves:

(0..2).each do |i| 
  config.vm.define "slave-#{i}" do |slave| :forwarded_port, host: 42222 + i, guest: 3000
    slave.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo launching slave #{i}"

The script takes care of creating the VMs and starting them. I was unable to figure out how to start multiple servers via a boot script launched from Vagrantfile since the first one will block and prevent other slaves from starting up.

Therefore we do this manually inside the script via:

vagrant ssh slave-$i -c "sudo killall node && cd /vagrant && SLAVE_ID=$i npm start" &> slave-$i.log &

We pipe the output to a log file which we then tail on:

tail -f slave-0.log -f slave-1.log -f slave-2.log