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Media Library Browser

Todd Lucas edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 21 revisions

Media Library Browsing support was extended with the 1.0.27 release version of the integration. It now includes not only the stock My media, Text-To-Speech, and Camera libraries, but also adds SoundTouch specific media content: Pandora Stations, SoundTouch Presets, and SoundTouch Recently Played libraries.

The following library index node content is supported:

How it Looks


Music Service accounts must be configured in the Bose SoundTouch App to access certain music services. See the Requirements section in the individual services below for more details.

Use the Bose SoundTouch App to add / remove music service accounts to your SoundTouch device.

Customized Icon

A custom icon (or logo) can be displayed for each library index item by adding the images to the \config\www\images\ location with a filename format or soundtouchplus_medialib_<NAME>.png, where <NAME> is the index entry name. For example, the "Pandora Stations" entry image file name would be soundtouchplus_medialib_pandora_stations.png. The specified images will be displayed in the HA media browser index page. A stock playlist image will be displayed if a custom image is not found for an index entry.

SoundTouch Presets

Displays the current SoundTouch preset list for a given device.

This will allow you to select a preset item for play on the device by tapping on a preset image.

How it Looks

How it Works

The list of presets is queried from the SoundTouch device, and returned to the media browser for display. Cover art images (if any) are in the form of url links, supplied by the music service for each item.


Preset items do not require a music service account in order to be listed; however, you must have a valid music service account configured and in good standing in order to PLAY content. For example, if you have a defined preset that is a Spotify playlist, but have let your Spotify Premium subscription lapse, then the content cannot be played on the device.

Customized Icon

A custom icon (or logo) can be displayed for this library index entry by adding the image to the \config\www\images\ location with a filename of soundtouchplus_medialib_presets.png. The specified image will be displayed in the HA media browser index page. A stock playlist image will be displayed if a custom image is not found for an index entry.

Use the following image if you like:

SoundTouch Recently Played

Displays the current SoundTouch recently played list for a given device.

This will allow you to select a recently played item for play on the device by tapping on the selected content item.

How it Looks

How it Works

The list of recently played items is queried from the SoundTouch device, and returned to the media browser for display. Cover art images (if any) are in the form of url links, supplied by the music service for each item. Note that the SoundTouch device software will remove cover images after a certain period of time (due to copyright limitations) for some music services (Spotify in particular).


Recently Played items do not require a music service account in order to be listed; however, you must have a valid music service account configured and in good standing in order to PLAY content. For example, if you have a recently played item that is a Spotify playlist, but have let your Spotify Premium subscription lapse, then the content cannot be played on the device.

Customized Icon

A custom icon (or logo) can be displayed for this library index entry by adding the image to the \config\www\images\ location with a filename of soundtouchplus_medialib_recently_played.png. The specified image will be displayed in the HA media browser index page. A stock playlist image will be displayed if a custom image is not found for an index entry.

Use the following image if you like:

Spotify Content

This library node will display content from your Spotify Account of personalized favorites, playlists, and other content.

This library node is only visible if the SpotifyPlus integration is installed.

This functionality was introduced with v1.0.29 of the integration.

How it Looks

How it Works

The SpotifyPlus integration must be installed and configured in order to display Spotify content in the SoundTouchPlus media library browser.

Any items selected for play will be played on the SoundTouch device directly, using the Spotify account defined to the SoundTouch device that is selected in the media library browser. The SpotifyPlus media player is not used to play content when content is selected from the SoundTouchPlus media library browser - it is only used to retrieve the content. This is important to understand, as the SpotifyPlus media player is capable of playing content on its own, but the content is played using the Spotify Connect service directly.

The SoundTouch device is capable of playing any Spotify content that is marked as Public, as well as private content from the Spotify account that is configured on the SoundTouch device. This allows you to play content from free membership level accounts, if the content is marked as public, including playlists. Note that you will receive errors if you try to play private content from a different Spotify account than what is defined to the SoundTouch device.

The SpotifyPlus integration allows you to setup Application Credentials for all of your Spotify user accounts. It will create a SpotifyPlus media player instance for each user account that is configured. You can then associate one of those accounts to a SoundTouchPlus device, so it can display Spotify content for that account. This is done via the SpotifyPlus Integration setting of the SoundTouchPlus configuration options. If you have multiple SoundTouch devices, then you can associate different Spotify accounts with each device. SoundTouchPlus does not currently support multiple Spotify accounts on the media library browser, though that could be an enhancement in the future if it's a popular request.

Cover art images (if any) are in the form of url links, supplied by the Spotify music service.

Error Messages

The following are error messages that you might see related to retrieving and playing Spotify content via the SoundTouchPlus integration.

  • The SpotifyPlus integration is required in order to browse the Spotify media library
    Displayed when you click on the media library browser Spotify icon, and the SoundTouchPlus integration is not installed and configured. To fix, install and configure the SpotifyPlus integration.

  • A SpotifyPlus media player entity id has not been assigned in SoundTouchPlus configuration options
    Displayed when you click on the media library browser Spotify icon, and a SoundTouchPlus media player has not been assigned in the SoundTouchPlus configuration options. To fix, select a SpotifyPlus media player in the SoundTouchPlus configuration options.

  • The SpotifyPlus media player entity 'x' does not exist (recently deleted maybe?); update the SpotifyPlus media player in the SoundTouchPlus options configuration
    Displayed when you click on the media library browser Spotify icon, and the SpotifyPlus media player you configured in SoundTouchPlus options does not exist. This can happen if you remove the SpotifyPlus media player and forget to update the SoundTouchPlus options. To fix, select a SpotifyPlus media player in the SoundTouchPlus configuration options.

  • The SpotifyPlus media player entity 'x' is currently disabled; re-enable the SpotifyPlus media player, or choose another SpotifyPlus media player in the SoundTouchPlus options configuration
    Displayed when you click on the media library browser Spotify icon, and the SpotifyPlus media player you configured in SoundTouchPlus options is disabled. This can happen if you disable the SpotifyPlus media player and forget to update the SoundTouchPlus options. To fix, either enable the specified SpotifyPlus media player, or select another SpotifyPlus media player in the SoundTouchPlus configuration options.


  • A Spotify Music Service account must be configured in the SoundTouch App and in good standing at the time the service is called; otherwise, the service will fail. Currently, a premium level membership is required in order to define the account to the SoundTouch device.

  • The SpotifyPlus integration must be installed and configured in order to display Spotify content in the SoundTouchPlus media library browser.

Customized Icon

A custom icon (or logo) can be displayed for this library index entry by adding the image to the \config\www\images\ location with a filename of soundtouchplus_medialib_spotify.png. The specified image will be displayed in the HA media browser index page. A stock playlist image will be displayed if a custom image is not found for an index entry.

Use the following image if you like (copyright Spotify, all rights reserved):