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Introducing an api for task managing in Golang using Go Fiber as framework.

quick start

if you already installed Makefile, try this

make tidy
make run

for those who didn't

go mod tidy
go run ./cmd/server/


  • this repository required Go version atleast 1.18 >> Go

api walkthrough

  1. Task Model:
    • I've define a struct like this:
      • ID: Unique identifier for the task (auto-incremented by the database).
      • Title: Title of the task.
      • Description: Description of the task.
      • Status: Status of the task (To Do, In Progress, Done).
      • CreatedAt: Time when this task was created.
      • UpdatedAt: Time when this task was updated.
  2. Status Enumeration
    • I've define an enumeration for status like this:
      • 0: To Do.
      • 1: In Progress.
      • 2: Done.
    • You'll need to use this on update status operation
    • If you're entered other value than the following, I'll returned an error of invalid status. So, make sure you entering it correctly.
  3. Routing
    • All api's routing operation:
      • Method: GET {{baseURL}}/api/v1/tasks/:task_id?: leave task_id empty if ypu wanna list all tasks, specify task_id to get task by ID.
      • Method: POST {{baseURL}}/api/v1/tasks/: create a task.
      • Method: PATCH {{baseURL}}/api/v1/tasks/:task_id?: update task title and description.
      • Method: PATCH {{baseURL}}/api/v1/tasks/:task_id?: update task status.
      • Method: DELETE {{baseURL}}/api/v1/tasks/:task_id?: delete a task.


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