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NakedCoin Core integration/staging repository

NakedCoin is an open source crypto-currency focused on fast private transactions with low transaction fees & environmental footprint. It utilizes a custom Proof of Stake protocol for securing its network. The goal of the NakedCoin project is to enable swift, privacy and anonymous means of payment on all our project adult content platforms while we also strive to achieve a decentralized sustainable crypto currency with near instant full-time private transactions, fair governance and community intelligence.

  • Anonymized transactions using the [Zerocoin Protocol].
  • Fast transactions featuring guaranteed zero confirmation transactions, we call it SwiftX.
  • Decentralized blockchain voting utilizing Masternode technology to form a DAO. The blockchain will distribute monthly treasury funds based on successful proposals submitted by the community and voted on by the DAO.

More information at Visit our ANN thread at BitcoinTalk

Coin Specs

Block Time3 Minutes
Difficulty RetargetingEvery Block
Max Coin Supply (PoW Phase)250,000 NAKD
Max Coin Supply (PoS Phase)Infinite
PremineNO Premine

PoW Rewards Breakdown

Block HeightMasternodesMinerBudget
1-5000% (0 NAKD)100% (500 NAKD)N/A

PoS Rewards Breakdown

PhaseBlock HeightRewardMasternodesStakers
Phase 1501 - 9999500 NAKD85% (425 NAKD)15% (75 NAKD)
Phase 210000 - 19999350 NAKD85% (297.5 NAKD)15% (52.5 NAKD)
Phase 320000 - 29999250 NAKD85% (212.5 NAKD)15% (37.5 NAKD)
Phase 430000 - 39999200 NAKD85% (170.5 NAKD)15% (29.5 NAKD)
Phase 540000 - 49999150 NAKD85% (127.5 NAKD)15% (22.5 NAKD)
Phase 650000 - 99999100 NAKD85% (85 NAKD)15% (15 NAKD)
Phase 7100000 - 19999950 NAKD85% (42.5 NAKD)15% (7.5 NAKD)
Phase 8200000 - 29999940 NAKD85% (34 NAKD)15% (6 NAKD)
Phase 9300000 - 39999930 NAKD85% (25.5 NAKD)15% (4.5 NAKD)
Phase 10400000 - 49999920 NAKD85% (17 NAKD)15% (3 NAKD)
Phase 11500000 - 59999915 NAKD85% (12.75 NAKD)15% (2.25 NAKD)
Phase 12600000 - 69999910 NAKD85% (8.5 NAKD)15% (1.5 NAKD)
Phase 13700000 - 9999997.5 NAKD85% (6.375 NAKD)15% (1.125 NAKD)
Phase X1000000-Infinite5 NAKD85% (4.25 NAKD)15% (0.75 NAKD)

It is recommended use the shell script to install a nakedcash Coin Masternode on a Linux server running Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04

Quick installation of the nakedcash daemon under linux. See detailed instructions there

Installation of libraries (using root user):

add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils
apt-get install -y libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
apt-get install -y libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

Cloning the repository and compiling (use any user with the sudo group):

git clone
cd nakedchash
chmod +x
cd nakedcash/share
chmod +x
cd nakedcash/src/leveldb
chmod +x build_detect_platform
cd .. / cd ..
sudo make install
cd src
sudo strip nakedcashd
sudo strip nakedcash-cli
sudo strip nakedcash-tx
cd ..

Running the daemon:

nakedcashd -daemon

Stopping the daemon:

nakedcash-cli stop

Demon status:

nakedcash-cli getinfo

All binaries for different operating systems, you can download in the releases repository:

Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or


No description, website, or topics provided.



MIT, MIT licenses found

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