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File metadata and controls

143 lines (98 loc) · 5.76 KB

SIXD Challenge 2017: format of datasets

Directory structure

The datasets have the following structure:

  • - Dataset-specific information.
  • camera.yml - Camera parameters (only for simulation, see below).
  • models[_MODELTYPE] - 3D object models.
  • train[_TRAINTYPE]/YY/{rgb,depth,obj,seg} - Training images of object YY.
  • test[_TESTTYPE]/ZZ/{rgb,depth,mask} - Test images of scene ZZ.
  • vis_gt_poses - Visualizations of the ground truth object poses.

MODELTYPE, TRAINTYPE and TESTTYPE are optional and are used if more data types are available.

The images are organized into subfolders:

  • rgb - Color images.
  • depth - Depth images (saved as 16-bit unsigned short, see info.yml for the depth units).
  • obj (optional) - Object coordinate images [4].
  • seg (optional) - Segmentation masks of the objects (for training images).
  • mask (optional) - Masks of the regions of interest (for test images).

The corresponding images across the subolders have the same ID, e.g. rgb/0000.png and depth/0000.png is the color and the depth image of the same RGB-D frame.

Training and test images

Each set of training and test images is accompanied with file info.yml that contains for each image the following information:

  • cam_K - 3x3 intrinsic camera matrix K (saved row-wise).
  • cam_R_w2c (optional) - 3x3 rotation matrix R_w2c (saved row-wise).
  • cam_t_w2c (optional) - 3x1 translation vector t_w2c.
  • depth_scale (optional) - Multiply the depth images with this factor to get depth in mm.
  • view_level (optional) - Viewpoint subdivision level, see below.

The matrix K may be different for each image. For example, in the case of the T-LESS dataset, the principal point is not constant because the provided images were obtained by cropping the region around the origin of the world coordinate system (i.e. the center of the turntable) in the captured images.

P_w2i = K * [R_w2c, t_w2c] is the camera matrix which transforms 3D point p_w = [x, y, z, 1]' in the world coordinate system to 2D point p_i = [u, v, 1]' in the image coordinate system: s * p_i = P_w2i * p_w.

The ground truth object poses are provided in files gt.yml that contain for each object in each image the following information:

  • obj_id - Object ID.
  • cam_R_m2c - 3x3 rotation matrix R_m2c (saved row-wise).
  • cam_t_m2c - 3x1 translation vector t_m2c.
  • obj_bb - 2D bounding box of projection of the 3D object model at the ground truth pose. It is given by (x, y, width, height), where (x, y) is the top-left corner of the bounding box.

P_m2i = K * [R_m2c, t_m2c] is the camera matrix which transforms 3D point p_m = [x, y, z, 1]' in the model coordinate system to 2D point p_i = [u, v, 1]' in the image coordinate system: s * p_i = P_m2i * p_m.

Acquisition of training images

The training images were obtained either by capturing of the real objects from various viewpoints or by rendering of 3D object models.

The viewpoints, from which the objects were rendered, were sampled from a view sphere as in [1] - by recursively subdividing an icosahedron. The level of subdivision at which a viewpoint was added is saved in info.yml as view_level (viewpoints corresponding to vertices of the icosahedron have view_level = 0, viewpoints obtained in the first subdivision step have view_level = 1, etc.). To reduce the number of viewpoints while preserving their uniform distribution over the sphere surface, one can consider only viewpoints with view_level <= n, where n is the highest considered level of subdivision.

For the rendering, the radius of the view sphere was set to the distance of the closest occurrence of any modeled object over all test images. The distance was calculated from the camera center to the origin of the model coordinate system.

The provided training images were rendered using this script:

3D object models

The 3D object models are provided in PLY (ascii) format. All the models include vertex normals. Most of the models include also vertex color or vertex texture coordinates with the texture saved as a separate image.

The vertex normals were calculated using MeshLab [2] as the angle-weighted sum of face normals incident to a vertex [3].

Coordinate systems

All coordinate systems (model, camera, world) are right-handed.

In the model coordinate system, the Z axis points up (when the object is standing "naturally up-right") and the origin coincides with the center of the 3D bounding box of the object model.

The camera coordinate system is as in OpenCV with the camera looking along the Z axis:

Camera parameters

Intrinsic camera parameters can be found in file camera.yml. However, these parameters are meant only for simulation of the used sensor when rendering the training images. Intrinsic camera parameters for individual images are in files info.yml.

To the best of our knowledge, the image distortion parameters were estimated only for the T-LESS dataset - the images were already processed to remove the distortion, requiring no further action from the dataset user.


  • Depth images: See info.yml.
  • 3D object models: 1 mm
  • Translation vectors: 1 mm


[1] Hinterstoisser et al. "Model based training, detection and pose estimation of texture-less 3d objects in heavily cluttered scenes" ACCV 2012.

[2] MeshLab,

[3] Thurrner and Wuthrich "Computing vertex normals from polygonal facets" Journal of Graphics Tools 3.1 (1998).

[4] Brachmann et al. "Learning 6d object pose estimation using 3d object coordinates." ECCV 2014.