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Thomas Freudenberg edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

After you created your new application as described in Preparation, here are the first steps to get your app running with TinyLittleMvvm:

1 Add TinyLittleMvvm NuGet package

Install-Package TinyLittleMvvm

2 Create your first view model

Add a folder ViewModels to your project. Add a class in this folder named MainViewModel, derive it from PropertyChangedBase.

public class MainViewModel : PropertyChangedBase {

3 Create the corresponding view

Add a folder Views to your project. Add a WPF Window MainView to this folder, and immediately delete MainView.xaml.cs afterwards.

Since we're using MahApps.Metro, change the base class to MetroWindow. Your window's XAML should now look like this:

<Controls:MetroWindow x:Class="WpfApplication1.Views.MainView"
        Title="MainView" Height="300" Width="300">

4 Add the bootstrapper

Add a class AppBootstrapper inheriting BootstrapperBase<MainViewModel> and register your view and your view model to the Autofac container. Just override the ConfigureContainer() method like this:

protected override void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder) {


And finally add your AppBootstrapper to your application resources in App.xaml as follows:

    <WpfApplication1:AppBootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper" />

Now you can start your application, your MainView will be displayed with it's DataContext set to MainViewModel instance.