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![Audio water vapor] (./docs/audio_ss.png)

Minimum Viable Product

AudioWaterVapor is a web application inspired by SoundCloud built using Ruby on Rails and React.js. AudioWaterVapor allows users to listen to tracks no matter what they are doing on the site. This is possible because it will be a Single-Page Application. Users will be able to follow other users for easy access to their music along with liking tracks. The search bar will allow for users to search for artists or tracks and will show results for any partial matches. Users will also be able to edit their profile pictures, cover photos, and bios to customize their page. You will also be able to share your music with everyone else on the site through upload.

  • Create an account
  • Log in / Log out
  • Listen to uploaded audio files (while staying on site)
  • Upload audio files
  • Search through users/artists
  • Like tracks by other users
  • Comment on tracks
  • Follow other users

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Track Model and JSON API (1 days)

In Phase 1, I will begin by implementing user signup and authentication (using BCrypt). This is going to be a single page application so that a non user can listen to a track and sign-up in the mean time. Before building out the front end, I will begin by setting up a full JSON API for Tracks and Users.


Phase 2: Flux Architecture and Navbar (1.5 days)

Phase 2 is focused on setting up Flux, the React Router, and the React view structure for the main application. After the basic Flux architecture has been set up, the navbar and it functionality will be focused on


Phase 3: Tracks (1.5 days)

Phase 3 will focus on all of the functionality of tracks. The index, show, and upload form will all be handled in this phase. Details

Phase 4: Comments and Likes (1 day)

In Phase 4 comments and and likes will be created and interacted with. Comments will be children of Tracks and likes will help the users 'save' that track for later enjoyment. Api will need to be established for both of these features.


Phase 5: Following (1 day)

Phase 5 introduces a new feature. Users will be able to 'save' users/artists they like by following them. Then the user will be able to go to their following page and browse through all of the users/artists they follow.


Phase 6: Playbar (1 day)

The playbar functionality is crucial to the idea of the app. When you play a song, you can listen to it as you do anything on this site and this playbar is going to be how you interact with the track. Styling the playbar will be done at this point.


Phase 7: Styling Cleanup and Seeding (1 Days)

Phase 6 will be all about making the app look great, sleek, and professional.


Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Prettify transitions
  • Making Playlists
  • Tagging Tracks
  • Multiple sessions



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