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Repository files navigation


This plugin adds vim commands to go to different places in a Symfony project.
Here is the list of handled goto:

  • form type data property
  • route action
  • translation key
  • twig component PHP class
  • webpack encore entrypoint

Get help with:

:help symfony-goto
" or
:help :SymfonyGoto




This is the full configuration with default values, no need to keep all of them.

require('symfony-goto').setup {
  -- configuration for :SymfonyGotoEncore command
  encore = {
    -- enable or not :SymfonyGotoEncore command
    enable = true,

    -- open the file event if it doesn't exist
    force_open = true,

    -- lua doesn't support regex, see:
    -- This is used to replace encore entrypoint with its real path, it depends on webpack.config.js and Encore.addEntry
    -- example: encore_entry_link_tags('css/example') should open file assets/css/entrypoint/example.scss
    css_pattern = "s#^css#assets/css/entrypoint#",
    js_pattern = "s#^js#assets/js/entrypoint#",

    -- assets extension
    css_extension = ".scss",
    js_extension = ".js",
  form_data = {
    -- enable or not :SymfonyGotoFormData command
    enable = "boolean",
  route = {
    -- enable or not :SymfonyGotoRoute command
    enable = true,

    route_file = "./var/cache/dev/url_generating_routes.php",
  translation = {
    -- enable or not :SymfonyGotoTranslation command
    enable = true,

    -- translation files location
    translations_dir = "translations",

    -- translation extension, only yaml is supported as of now
    translations_extension = "yaml",

    -- should match translation package default_locale configuration
    default_locale = "fr",
  twig_component = {
    -- enable or not :SymfonyGotoTwigComponent command
    enable = true,

    config_file = "./config/packages/twig_component.yaml",


Each commands are made to work without depending on the cursor position on the line.


Calls specific command depending on what's found on the current line.


Goes to the entrypoint file of the encore statement. The :SymfonyGoto command checks if encore_entry is on the current line to call :SymfonyGotoEncore.
The line should match one of these:

{{ encore_entry_link_tags('css/example') }}
{{ encore_entry_script_tags('js/example') }}


Goes to the current property of the FormType data class. The :SymfonyGoto command checks if SomethingType::class is on the current line to call :SymfonyGotoFormData. The line should match:

  ->add('text', TextType::class, [

The form data_class must be defined. data_class will be opened and the cursor will be positionned on text property.


Goes to the corresponding controller action. The :SymfonyGoto command calls this command if no other handler was matched, as there can be multiple route generation methods.

This command also accepts one argument to go to a route from anywhere:

:SymfonyGotoRoute app_home


Goes to the translation key of the translation domain. Use the default_locale config to open the file in the correct locale. The :SymfonyGoto command checks if |trans is on the current line to call :SymfonyGotoTranslation. The line should match one of these:

{{ 'my.key'|trans({}, 'translation_domain') }}
{{ 'my.key'|trans({}, 'translation_domain', locale) }}
{{ 'my.key'|trans({
    'placeholder': 'value',
}, 'translation_domain') }}
{{ 'my.key'|trans({
    'placeholder': 'value',
}, 'translation_domain', locale) }}

The following translation keys are supported:

my.key: "Translation"
# or
  key: "Translation"

⚠️ Only yaml is supported at the moment.


Goes to the corresponding twig component PHP class. Displays a warning if the component is anonymous. The :SymfonyGoto command checks if <twig: is on the current line to call :SymfonyGotoTwigComponent. The line should match one of these:


Namespaces are also supported.


There is no default mapping, either map each command:

nnoremap <leader>se <cmd>:SymfonyGotoEncore<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sf <cmd>:SymfonyGotoFormData<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sr <cmd>:SymfonyGotoRoute<cr>
nnoremap <leader>st <cmd>:SymfonyGotoTranslation<cr>
nnoremap <leader>sc <cmd>:SymfonyGotoTwigComponent<cr>

Or map the global command once:

nnoremap <leader>s <cmd>:SymfonyGoto<cr>


  • handle more places:
    • twig extensions
  • composer PSR-4 for controller namespace, form and twig component
  • handle more translation extensions
