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UDP Socket for Server and Client

  1. UDP Server and Client using C++/Qt Framework
  2. UDP Server and Client using Py/Qt Framework


There is a library of GPIO to include in C++ and Python to interact with GPIO. Qt frame work is different from Android in which everything is buildin. Qt creator/design allows to create window/diaglog/widget which run in event loop from this window manager we can interact with with using signals and slots. The ui file can convert into python file for PyQt using "pyuic4". PyQt has it own functions to create GUI from code. These C++ code using Qt creator to GUI but GUI for python is done by coding. It is just taking longer but the GUI looks better then convert using "pyuic4". So we can not use for loop we have to use thread timer so thread becomes the main important components to interact with GUI. In Qt the signal and slot like in event in Java however Qt also has event handler: whatsThis(help) is using QEvent::whatsThis, QEvent::close. Signal and slots handle click() from QPushButtons, returnpressed by users...and events are generated by the window system or by Qt itself in response to various occurrennces it will not generate signal. We seldom need to think about events because Qt widgets emit signals when somethings significant occurs by users or readyread from socket. Events becomes useful when we write our own custom widgets or to modify the behavior of existing Qt widgets. Event like low level of signal. Events should not be confused with signals.
As a rule, signals are useful when using a widget, whereas events are useful whem implemnenting a widget. For example, when we are using QPushButton, we are more interested in its clicked() signal than in the low-level mouse or key events that caused the signal to be emitted. But if we are implementing a class such as QPushButton, we need to write code to handle mouse and key events and emit the clicked() signal when necessary. P. 224 of C++ GUI Programming - Jasmin Blanchette
This project has been used most of the stuff that Qt framework offers. Python is always faster to implement but it does not has GUI but PyQt as we see in the video the graphic is almost the same and Python can read/write into hardware like C++.

We need to aware when working with Qt Frame work:

Remember that connections are not between classes, but between INSTANCES. If you emit a signal and expect connected slots to be called, it must be emitted on an instance on which the connection was made. The relationship between parent and child widget as follow.

((UDPClient*)this->parentWidget())->updateUDPClient(UDP_IP, UDP_PORT); //don't forget this object

       UDPClient *w = dynamic_cast<UDPClient *>(this->parentWidget()); //must true polymorphism has virtual (function or ctor)
       if (0 != w)
           qDebug() << " OK ------------";    // NOT 0 has parent
           qDebug() << " ERROR ------------NULL POINTER"; // 0 is has no parent

if is has not parent we have to use something similar to this to physical connect it. Connect signal and slot, emit to main thread and execute it.

  1. self.worker.updateSignal.connect(self.buttonClicked)
  2. self.updateSignal.emit(1)
  3. self.worker.updateSignal.connect(self.turnLED)
   FormDialog *f = new FormDialog();  //f is obj 
   connect(f, SIGNAL(updateParent(const QHostAddress&, quint16)), 
                                 this, SLOT(updateUDPClient(const QHostAddress&, quint16))); 
   emit updateParent(UDP_IP, UDP_PORT);
   void UDPClient::updateUDPClient(const QHostAddress& s, quint16 i)  //This is main GUI get changed

-Between show() and exed
Method 1:
connect(ui->changeIP,SIGNAL(clicked()),f, SLOT(exec())); //either way exec() or show();
Method 2:
exec() blocks the application flow while show() doesn't.
exec is mainly used for modal dialogs. show() can be use for modal and modal less by setModal(true or false).

-To wrap the image we can use CSS to change it or using setPixMap. If we use set PixMap for as a button for Dialog or Label and they have no clicked function or LineEdit has no click function we can emit this using event as described above by created its own classes.

   class MyLineEdit(QLineEdit):
       def __init__(self, *args):
           QLineEdit.__init__(self, *args)

    def event(self, event):
        if (event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress) and (event.key() == Qt.Key_Return):
            return True

        return QLineEdit.event(self, event) 

   class ExtendedQLabel(QtGui.QLabel): 
        def __init(self, parent):
           QLabel.__init__(self, parent)

    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
  • When the system crash when parentWidget or parent the change it has no parent and pointer is point to NULL
  • Change the display on main GUI using signal and slot from thread or popup dialog
  • Your Worker objects 'live' in the main thread, that means all their signals will be handled by the main thread's event loop. The fact that these objects are QThreads doesn't change that.
  • In Android is called ANR (application not responding) so we need to implement like service in Android using thread and running asynchronous. On the server the socket readyread runs in the main thread will cause the deadlock if the file is too large so it needs to run its own thread and emitting the main thread when it is finished its task so it won't hogging the main thead instead of ANR in Qt is just crashed with the message applicaton exist.
  • Python: concatenates a string and a number into a string and sending it using socket.
  • Whenever a signal is emitted, by default PyQt simply throws it away! To take notice of a signal we must connect it to a slot.
    In C++/Qt, slots are methods that must be declared with a special syntax; but in PyQt, they can be any callable we like (e.g., any function or method), and no special syntax is required when defining them.
  • If we want to pass parameter to the callable in PyQt we have to use lambda -anonymous function to pass the parameter to function change. This serious stuff because it only accepted function without parameter therefore we have to use lambda For examples
        self.ip.clicked.connect(lambda  : self.change(0))  
        self.port.clicked.connect(lambda : self.change(1))

Unlike Java in Android, Qt provides the tools and functions but up to the designer to put them together so often they are many ways to code but probably one or 2 ways to correct so a lot of trials and errors, reading and searching to understand this framework and depending on the invidual background. We need to have a deep understand about concepts: thread, child/parent, upcast/downcast, singletone, stack, constructor new concepts lambda and others declytype....these are really when coding in either C++/Qt or PyQt. There are many times I realized the object is created in the stack instead on the heap so function return the object is gone. This kind of knowledge really help when thing does not work. Qt creator/design, Pycharm and Android studio/Eclipse are great IDE to code Java, Python and C++. Sublime text is a good editor to clean the code ready to submit into


UDP sockets using C++/Qt and PyQt/Qt Framework.






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