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Releases: thomascgray/opr-af-to-tts


20 Dec 00:31
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  • you can now show/hide the floating wound & SP track bars on each model themselves (as a right click option). couple of people asked for this
  • less exciting, but maybe still useful; the floating track bar positions now respect model visual scale a lot better


28 Sep 20:06
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Visual trackbars for wounds and spell tokens!


Just an update to the mod, nothing to deploy with the webapp

v2.0 - updating to support OPR ruleset v3

27 Sep 22:16
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Basically, #32

Everything from that PR copied below for posterity

Work to support V3 of the OPR rulesets.

If you're playing GF, AoF or AoF:R;
Units with "Tough" now get a Wound tracker and right click increase/decrease wounds options

If you're playing GFF or AoF:S;
ALL units get a Wound track and right click increase/decrease wounds options, and any units with Tough always have the tough in their name.

Regardless of system;
All units with the "Cast" special rule now get a Spell Token's tracker, and right click increase/decrease spell tokens options

Alongside the new trackers, there's a new "army-wide" option to "Refresh Spell Tokens". This will give every Caster in the army their Cast value as Spell Tokens, up to a maximum of 6. (use at the start of every round!)

Alongside that, I've also:

  • improved the layout of the right click menu options so things are properly separated into "Model", "Unit" and "Army" categories of actions
  • re-jigged in the in-mod layout of the helper cards
  • written a whole mini-system to rebuild unit names on changes, to properly reflect wound and spell token tracking
  • removed options related to whether or not you want to include the Tough value in a model's name (that isn't a thing anymore, now its just Wound tracking)
  • re-written large chunks of how each individual model maintains its own data state, such that the whole mod TTS file is now, even including all the new stuff, actually 50 lines shorter than it was.
  • the "common rules" of the system are now hard coded data files. means they'll need manually updating, but that shouldn't happen too often, and its 1 less request to do on every import

A unit with wounds and spell tokens

A unit with just wounds

New layout of the right click menu options

New in-game instructions should be harder to miss


27 Aug 19:33
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  • fixed a issue re. XML not parsing ampersands correctly (& characters) but they ARE rendered correctly in the unit tooltips. So we need to do some character swapping safety but do it IN mod, so that the actual ampersand makes it safely to the unit tooltips.


09 Jul 10:13
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you can now save "configs" for the TTS output options in the app. useful if you find yourself constantly switching between different colours for different factions, etc. that sort of thing.

the configs are just saved to your browsers local storage, dead simple.

opr af to tts - save tts output configs


06 Jul 21:39
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Fixed the issue with weird line breaks by forcing a line break around the mid 50s characters at max.

See #20 for examples


06 Jul 20:51
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Bug fixes re. special rules that should have their rating output in the model profile.

Think I've caught most scenarios now, based on a special rule being either on the model, or an upgrade, or it comes with a models equipment, etc.
See example screenshots; the importer is now correctly including the
"(1)" in "Defense (1)" that comes from the Sea Drake
the added Toughness from the Sea Drake
same for the Scholar which gets Defense (1) and extra Tough from it's Great Beast, but also has the "Wizard (1)" upgrade, which is correctly included.



03 Jul 08:38
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  • fixed an issue where deactivating the army wasn't setting the unit name back against all the models, thus causing all the rest of the scripting to break


02 Jul 18:50
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Fixed a typo in the mod code chat output re. measurements


02 Jul 18:46
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The actions you perform are now printed to all players in the chat log, and also reference the unit name
