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Description of the project (2-3+ sentences).

Project 4 was developed for a small business (seafood market) in Charlotte, NC. The application is designed for staff users where staff can manage inventory and contact information.

Project 4 Tasks

Uses PHP/Laravel: Project 4 was developed using PHP/Laravel. Visit Project 4 Github to view PHP/Laravel files.

Uses a database with at least 2 tables. This count does not include a users table, but does include pivot tables. Project 4's database includes a "products" and "companies" table. The "products" table uses the "companies" table company_id as a foregin key for the pivot table

Demonstrates all 4 CRUD interactions (user signup/login does not count towards this).

The Products section has the following requirements for CRUD:

The Company section has the following requirements for CRUD:

The project also has the following (but not limited to) functionality
Server side form validation
jQuery Tablesort
Custom 403, 404 and 500 errors
Responsive mobile and desktop CSS framework (Bootstrap)
Blade and Eloquent "magic" code

Demo information: If you attend your section to do an in-person demo, make a note of this. If you opt to do the Jing screencast demo, include the link here.

A live demo will be done during section on 12/17/2014

Any details the instructor or TA needs to know, for example, test credentials.

Password: testerpassword

A list of any plugins, libraries, packages or outside code used in the project. See Student Responsibilities for more details on avoiding code plagiarism.


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