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A web style guide starter kit using Fractal



Fractal, and therefore this project, requires Node.js v4.4.7+ to run. While you can install Node a variety of ways, we highly recommend using Node Version Manager to install and manage Node versions.


Yarn is a package manager for Node.js. Yarn is preferred over npm because it’s faster. However, if npm is already installed or you prefer it to Yarn, then yarn scripts can be replaced with npm.

Getting started

Once you’ve installed Node and Yarn, you’re ready to install the project’s dependencies. To do that, run simply run yarn (or npm install).

To run the project and develop locally, run yarn start. This will start Fractal and run a local development server at the address displayed by Fractal in your terminal window, usually the address is http://localhost:3000/.

You will also need to start webpack to watch and compile changes to the assets. In a separate console window, run yarn run assets. This command starts webpack with the --watch flag.

Now you may open http://localhost:3000/ in a web browser and begin developing.


All commands should be run through yarn run.

Command Description
start Starts Fractal and the local development server
assets Watches and compiles JS and CSS assets with webpack
build Builds and compiles production-ready files
clean Deletes the build directories tmp and www; used within the build script
eslint Lints JavaScript files with ESLint
stylelint Lints CSS files with stylelint
lint Runs both eslint and stylelint scripts at once
gh-pages Builds and deploys the project to Github pages


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