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Better cargo completion for fish

Note: These require jq to be installed and on the path, in order to parse cargo metadata output. Patches welcome to modify this to not require JQ.

I wanted to upstream this but I gather it would suffer the same fate as fish-shell/fish-shell#6868. E.g. packaging rules make this kind of hard to get into a usable place.


This adds completion for stuff like:

  • --target <tab> to complete your currently installed target triples.

  • --package <local package>/-p <local package> to autocomplete to the packages in the workspace.

  • Much better completion of specific build targets:

    • --example example can complete examples that
    • cargo {run,build,...} --bin <tab> completes binaries
    • cargo {bench,build,...} --bench <tab> completes [[bench]]marks
    • cargo {test,build,...} --test <tab> completes integration tests
      • Caveat: this isnt the same as cargo test -- <tab> to complete based on the names of tests, which might be more useful, but we can't know until we build, which seems bad to do behind your back
  • Completion for testrunner flags, (flags like --nocapture in cargo test -- --nocapture)

  • Completion for --features listed in Cargo.toml (handles subdirs, --manifest-path, etc...)

  • Completion for --manifest-paths in the current workspace, including when not at workspace root.

  • Completion for +toolchainss currently installed

  • A much more comprehensive set of flags and such than fish's builtin completions, although probably not fully complete because there's no way to do this other than manually going through cargo help <subcmd>, which I've done a few times now, for some reason.

  • ...

All of this should be --manifest-path and --package/-p aware, and aware of your current directory, and only offer completions of feature/binaries/examples/tests/whatever for the manifest path or package you specify.

That is, even convoluted stuff like: cargo run --manifest-path=../somewhere/Cargo.toml -p foobar --example <tab> will (should) be able to let you choose from the list of examples (the normal cases work too, of course).

Install with fisher (not tested but should work)

You should be able to install with fisherman by running

fisher thomcc/fish-cargo-completions

Again, note that you must install jq in addition.

Ask me if you want to install manually and don't know how (copying or symlinking files into the right spot).


I based completions/ off of, although almost none of the original remains now.

Everything else is CC0/public domain, I don't care about the license of the code.


improved fish completions for cargo.






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