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Package manager

Using npm:

$ npm install lao-tele

Using bower:

$ bower install lao-tele

Using yarn:

$ yarn add lao-tele

Using pnpm:

$ pnpm add lao-tele

You can also use the default export, since the named export is just a re-export from the laotele factory:

import laotele from 'lao-tele';

console.log(laotele('55555555')) /* -> if number is correct return the same input 55555555;*/
console.log(laotele('55555555').countryCode()) /* -> transform to  8562055555555;*/
console.log(laotele('55555555').countryCode({internal:true})) /* -> transform to  2055555555;*/

console.log(laotele('55555555').countryCode({internal:true,zerostart:true})) /* -> transform to  02055555555;*/
  • Extract Phone number
console.log(laotele('55555555').extractPhone({internal:true})) /* -> transform and return Object is  {ccode:'85620',incode:'20',dial:'55555555'};*/

console.log(laotele('55555555').extractPhone({internal:true,zerostart:true})) /* -> transform and return Object is  {ccode:'85620',incode:'020',dial:'55555555'};*/

laotele API

API Options Description
.countryCode() Object.
- internal: false or true and default is false.
- zerostart: false or true and default is false
countryCode make transform return with phone country code of Laos like 85620 or 85630.
- internal is optional of countryCode to transform return internal phone code like 20xxxxxxxx or 30xxxxxxx . by defual is false.

- zerostart is optional of countryCode use it together internal. it's option to return internal phone code like 020xxxxxxxx or 030xxxxxxx
.extractPhone() Object.
- internal: false or true and default is false.
- zerostart: false or true and default is false
- internal make transform and extract phone number with country code, internal code and phone number of Laos like {ccode:'85620' or '85630', incode: '20' or '30',dial: '55555555'}

- zerostart is optional of extractPhone to add 0 to internal code like: 020 or 030
