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Library for work with zabbix api.

Support Zabbix 6.0.x

Contains two classes - ZabbReq and HTTPtest. First do different kind of tasks in Zabbix api, second has target only Zabbix web tests.

  1. ZabbReq
  2. HTTPtest


ZabbReq.req_post(req_data) - simpliest function for send requests to zabbix server, where req_data is dictionary in zabbix api format. All information about it you can find in api documentation.

For example, print list of host' interfaces list data:

from thzabbix import ZabbReq

host_ip = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
zabb_user = "apiuser"
zabb_passwd = "secret"
zabb_url = ""

zabb_creds = dict(user=zabb_user, passwd=zabb_passwd, url=zabb_url)
ZabbReq = ZabbReq(zabb_creds)

print(ZabbReq.req_post(dict(params=dict(filter=dict(ip=host_ip)), method="hostinterface.get"))["result"])

ZabbReq.hostidbyip(host_ip) - get host id by external interface ip address. host_ip is string variable

ZabbReq.hostipbyid(host_id) - get external interface ip address by host id. host_id is string variable

ZabbReq.host_tmplt_list(host_id) - get templates list (as template id), linked to host id. host_id is string variable

ZabbReq.host_tmplt_upd(hostid, tmplt_lst) - update templates (as template id), linked to host id. host_id is string variable, tmplt_lst is list of templates id.

ZabbReq.host_tmplt_add(hostid, tmplt_id) - add template, linked to host id. host_id is string variable, tmplt_id is string variable, template id.

ZabbReq.host_tmplt_del(hostid, tmplt_id) - remove template, linked to host id. host_id is string variable, tmplt_id is string variable, template id.

ZabbReq.addhost(hcreatedata) - create host. hcreatedata is dict of parameters for new host.

For example:

from thzabbix import ZabbReq

zabb_user = "apiuser" # zabbix username, string
zabb_passwd = "secret" # zabbix user password, string
zabb_url = "" # url of zabbix api

zabb_creds = dict(user=zabb_user, passwd=zabb_passwd, url=zabb_url)
ZabbReq = ZabbReq(zabb_creds)

hostname = "Example host"
tls_accept =  "2" # enable tls (for disable set this variable and tls_connect to "1")
tls_connect = "2" # set psk encription
tls_psk_identity = PSK KEY NAME
tls_psk = 123124324rwefdsfgdfsgsdfg546t42 #some psk key
host_ip = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"

group_id = XXXXXX # group id for host
template_id = YYYYYY # template id linked to host

# groups and templates can be set as list of dictionary to add host in many groups or/and lynk many templates. 'templates' is optional parameter, osers is required

hostcreate = dict(host=hostname, 
    interfaces=[dict(type=1, main=1, useip=1, ip=host_ip, dns="", port=host_port)], 

ZabbReq.hostslist() - print hosts list with extended data.

ZabbReq.hostsidlist() - print hosts id list.

ZabbReq.hostdata(hostid) - print host data.


HTTPtest.httptestdel(del_testid) - delete test by id

HTTPtest.httptestadd(add_params) - add new http test

For example:

from thzabbix import HTTPtest

zabb_user = "apiuser" # zabbix username, string
zabb_passwd = "secret" # zabbix user password, string
zabb_url = "" # url of zabbix api

zabb_creds = dict(user=zabb_user, passwd=zabb_passwd, url=zabb_url)
HTTPtest = HTTPtest(zabb_creds)

test_host = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" # host ip in zabbix
test_dom = "" # name of http test
steps_list = list(dict(name="", url="", status_codes="200", no=1)) # data for one step check with default parameters

print(HTTPtest.httptestadd(dict(host_ip=test_host, name=test_dom, steps=steps_list)))

HTTPtest.httptestupd(upd_params) - update existence http test. upd_params is similar to add_params in HTTPtest.httptestadd()


Python scripts for zabbix api







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