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Ruby on Rails is almost a decade old, and its community has developed a number of principles for building applications that are fast, fun and easy to change: Don't repeat yourself, keep your views dumb, keep your controllers skinny, and keep business logic in your models. These principles carry most applications to their first release or beyond.

However, these principles only get you so far. After a few releases, most applications begin to suffer. Models become fat, classes become few and large, tests become slow and changes become painful. In many applications, there comes a day when the developers realize that there's no going back; the application is a twisted mess and the only way out is a rewrite or a new job.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Developers have been using object-oriented programming for several decades and there's a wealth of knowledge out there that still applies to developing applications today. We can use the lessons learned by these developers to write good Rails applications by applying good object-oriented programming.

Ruby Science will outline a process for detecting emerging problems in code and will dive into the solutions, old and new.

The full book contains three catalogs: smells, solutions and principles. This sample contains a few hand-picked chapters from the first two catalogs, published directly from the book, allowing you to get a sense of the content, style and delivery of the product.

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\part{Code Smells}

Long Method

The most common smell in Rails applications is the Long Method.

Long methods are exactly what they sound like: methods that are too long. They're easy to spot.


  • If you can't tell exactly what a method does at a glance, it's too long.
  • Methods with more than one level of nesting are usually too long.
  • Methods with more than one level of abstraction may be too long.
  • Methods with a flog score of 10 or higher may be too long.

You can watch out for long methods as you write them, but finding existing methods is easiest with tools like flog:

% flog app lib
    72.9: flog total
     5.6: flog/method average

    15.7: QuestionsController#create       app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:9
    11.7: QuestionsController#new          app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:2
    11.0: Question#none
     8.1: SurveysController#create         app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb:6

Methods with higher scores are more complicated. Anything with a score higher than 10 is worth looking at, but flog only helps you find potential trouble spots; use your own judgment when refactoring.


For an example of a long method, let's take a look at the highest scored method from flog, QuestionsController#create:

def create
  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
  question_params = params.
    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
  @question =
  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

    redirect_to @survey
    render :new


After extracting methods, check for feature envy in the new methods to see if you should employ move method to provide the method with a better home.

Case Statement

Case Statements are a sign that a method contains too much knowledge.


  • Case statements that check the class of an object.
  • Case statements that check a type code.
  • Divergent change caused by changing or adding when clauses.
  • Shotgun surgery caused by duplicating the case statement.

Actual case statements are extremely easy to find. Just grep your codebase for "case." However, you should also be on the lookout for case's sinister cousin, the repetitive if-elsif.

Type Codes

Some applications contain type codes—fields that store type information about objects. These fields are easy to add and seem innocent, but result in code that's harder to maintain. A better solution is to take advantage of Ruby's ability to invoke different behavior based on an object's class, called "dynamic dispatch." Using a case statement with a type code inelegantly reproduces dynamic dispatch.

The special type column that ActiveRecord uses is not necessarily a type code. The type column is used to serialize an object's class to the database so that the correct class can be instantiated later on. If you're just using the type column to let ActiveRecord decide which class to instantiate, this isn't a smell. However, make sure to avoid referencing the type column from case or if statements.


This method summarizes the answers to a question. The summary varies based on the type of question.

# app/models/question.rb
def summary
  case question_type
  when 'MultipleChoice'
  when 'Open'
  when 'Scale'


Note that many applications replicate the same case statement, which is a more serious offence. This view duplicates the case logic from Question#summary, this time in the form of multiple if statements:

# app/views/questions/_question.html.erb
<% if question.question_type == 'MultipleChoice' -%>
    <% question.options.each do |option| -%>
        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, option.text, id: dom_id(option) %>
        <%= content_tag :label, option.text, for: dom_id(option) %>
    <% end -%>
<% end -%>

<% if question.question_type == 'Scale' -%>
    <% question.steps.each do |step| -%>
        <%= submission_fields.radio_button :text, step %>
        <%= submission_fields.label "text_#{step}", label: step %>
    <% end -%>
<% end -%>


Shotgun Surgery

Shotgun Surgery is usually a more obvious symptom that reveals another smell.


  • You have to make the same small change across several different files.
  • Changes become difficult to manage because they are hard to keep track of.

Make sure you look for related smells in the affected code:


Users' names are formatted and displayed as "First Last" throughout the application. If you want to change the formatting to include a middle initial (example: "First M. Last") you'll need to make the same small change in several places.

# app/views/users/show.html.erb
<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>

# app/views/users/index.html.erb
<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>

# app/views/mailers/completion_notification.html.erb
<%= current_user.first_name %> <%= current_user.last_name %>



If your changes become spread out because you need to pass information between boundaries for dependencies, try inverting control.

If you find yourself repeating the exact same change in several places, make sure that you Don't Repeat Yourself.

If you need to change several places because of a modification in your dependency chain, such as changing user.plan.price to user.account.plan.price, make sure that you're following the law of Demeter.

If conditional logic is affected in several places by a single, cohesive change, make sure that you're following tell, don't ask.


Replace Conditional with Null Object

Every Ruby developer is familiar with nil, and Ruby on Rails comes with a full complement of tools to handle it: nil?, present?, try and more. However, it's easy to let these tools hide duplication and leak concerns. If you find yourself checking for nil all over your codebase, try replacing some of the nil values with Null Objects.


  • Removes shotgun surgery when an existing method begins returning nil.
  • Removes duplicated code related to checking for nil.
  • Removes clutter, improving readability of code that consumes nil.
  • Makes logic related to presence and absence easier to reuse, making it easier to avoid duplication.
  • Replaces conditional logic with simple commands, following tell, don't ask.


# app/models/question.rb
def most_recent_answer_text
  answers.most_recent.try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

The most_recent_answer_text method asks its answers association for most_recent answer. It only wants the text from that answer, but it must first check to make sure that an answer actually exists to get text from. It needs to perform this check because most_recent might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
def self.most_recent

This call clutters up the method, and returning nil is contagious: Any method that calls most_recent must also check for nil. The concept of a missing answer is likely to come up more than once, as in this example:

# app/models/user.rb
def answer_text_for(question)
  question.answers.for_user(self).try(:text) || Answer::MISSING_TEXT

Again, for_user might return nil:

# app/models/answer.rb
def self.for_user(user)
  joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: }).last

The User#answer_text_for method duplicates the check for a missing answer—and worse, it's repeating the logic of what happens when you need text without an answer.

We can remove these checks entirely from Question and User by introducing a null object:

# app/models/question.rb
def most_recent_answer_text
# app/models/user.rb
def answer_text_for(question)

We're now just assuming that Answer class methods will return something answer-like; specifically, we expect an object that returns useful text. We can refactor Answer to handle the nil check:

# app/models/answer.rb
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection

  belongs_to :completion
  belongs_to :question

  validates :text, presence: true

  def self.for_user(user)
    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: }).last ||

  def self.most_recent
    order(:created_at).last ||

Note that for_user and most_recent return a NullAnswer if no answer can be found, so these methods will never return nil. The implementation for NullAnswer is simple:

# app/models/null_answer.rb
class NullAnswer
  def text
    'No response'

We can take things just a little further and remove a bit of duplication with a quick extract method:

# app/models/answer.rb
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection

  belongs_to :completion
  belongs_to :question

  validates :text, presence: true

  def self.for_user(user)
    joins(:completion).where(completions: { user_id: }).last_or_null

  def self.most_recent


  def self.last_or_null
    last ||

Now we can easily create Answer class methods that return a usable answer, no matter what.


Introducing a null object can remove duplication and clutter. But it can also cause pain and confusion:

  • As a developer reading a method like Question#most_recent_answer_text, you may be confused to find that most_recent_answer returned an instance of NullAnswer and not Answer.
  • It's possible some methods will need to distinguish between NullAnswers and real Answers. This is common in views, when special markup is required to denote missing values. In this case, you'll need to add explicit present? checks and define present? to return false on your null object.
  • NullAnswer may eventually need to reimplement large part of the Answer API, leading to potential duplicated code and shotgun surgery, which is largely what we hoped to solve in the first place.

Don't introduce a null object until you find yourself swatting enough nil values to grow annoyed. And make sure the removal of the nil-handling logic outweighs the drawbacks above.

Next Steps

  • Look for other nil checks of the return values of refactored methods.
  • Make sure your null object class implements the required methods from the original class.
  • Make sure no duplicated code exists between the null object class and the original.


Truthiness, try and Other Tricks

All checks for nil are a condition, but Ruby provides many ways to check for nil without using an explicit if. Watch out for nil conditional checks disguised behind other syntax. The following are all roughly equivalent:

# Explicit if with nil?
if user.nil?

# Implicit nil check through truthy conditional
if user

# Relies on nil being falsey
user &&

# Call to try

Extract Method

The simplest refactoring to perform is extract method. To extract a method:

  • Pick a name for the new method.
  • Move extracted code into the new method.
  • Call the new method from the point of extraction.




Let's take a look at an example of long method and improve it by extracting smaller methods:

def create
  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]
  question_params = params.
    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
  @question =
  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

    redirect_to @survey
    render :new

This method performs a number of tasks:

  • It finds the survey that the question should belong to.
  • It figures out what type of question we're creating (the submittable_type).
  • It builds parameters for the new question by applying a white list to the HTTP parameters.
  • It builds a question from the given survey, parameters and submittable type.
  • It attempts to save the question.
  • It redirects back to the survey for a valid question.
  • It re-renders the form for an invalid question.

Any of these tasks can be extracted to a method. Let's start by extracting the task of building the question.

def create
  @survey = Survey.find(params[:survey_id])
  @submittable_type = params[:submittable_type_id]

    redirect_to @survey
    render :new


def build_question
  question_params = params.
    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)
  @question =
  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

The create method is already much more readable. The new build_question method is noisy, though, with the wrong details at the beginning. The task of pulling out question parameters is clouding up the task of building the question. Let's extract another method.


Replace Temp with Query

One simple way to extract methods is by replacing local variables. Let's pull question_params into its own method:

def build_question
  @question =
  @question.submittable_type = @submittable_type

def question_params
    permit(:submittable_type, :title, :options_attributes, :minimum, :maximum)

Other Examples

For more examples of extract method, take a look at these chapters:

Next Steps

  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure neither is a long method.
  • Check the original method and the extracted method to make sure that they both relate to the same core concern. If the methods aren't highly related, the class will suffer from divergent change.
  • Check newly extracted methods for feature envy. If you find some, you may wish to employ move method to provide the new method with a better home.
  • Check the affected class to make sure it's not a large class. Extracting methods reveals complexity, making it clearer when a class is doing too much.

Extract Partial

Extracting a partial is a technique used for removing complex or duplicated view code from your application. This is the equivalent of using long method and extract method in your views and templates.



  • Create a new file for partial prefixed with an underscore (_filename.html.erb).
  • Move common code into newly created file.
  • Render the partial from the source file.


Let's revisit the view code for adding and editing questions.

Note: There are a few small differences in the files (the URL endpoint and the label on the submit button).

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
<h1>Add Question</h1>

<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) do |form| -%>
  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
  <%= form.input :title %>
  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
  <%= form.submit 'Create Question' %>
<% end -%>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
<h1>Edit Question</h1>

<%= simple_form_for @question, as: :question, url: question_path do |form| -%>
  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
  <%= form.input :title %>
  <%= render "#{@question.to_partial_path}_form", question: @question, form: form %>
  <%= form.submit 'Update Question' %>
<% end -%>

First, extract the common code into a partial, remove any instance variables and use question and url as local variables:

# app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
<%= simple_form_for question, as: :question, url: url do |form| -%>
  <%= form.hidden_field :type %>
  <%= form.input :title %>
  <%= render "#{question.to_partial_path}_form", question: question, form: form %>
  <%= form.submit %>
<% end -%>

Move the submit button text into the locales file:

# config/locales/en.yml
        create: 'Create Question'
        update: 'Update Question'

Then render the partial from each of the views, passing in the values for question and url:

# app/views/questions/new.html.erb
<h1>Add Question</h1>

<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: survey_questions_path(@survey) %>
# app/views/questions/edit.html.erb
<h1>Edit Question</h1>

<%= render 'form', question: @question, url: question_path %>

Next Steps

  • Check for other occurrences of the duplicated view code in your application and replace them with the newly extracted partial.



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