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Make some tweaks to CONTRIBUTING
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mcmire authored and guialbuk committed Nov 1, 2018
1 parent 94c1f6b commit f951455
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 27 deletions.
63 changes: 36 additions & 27 deletions
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
We've put a lot of work into making improvements to Shoulda Matchers, but we
always welcome changes and improvements from the community!

If you'd like to propose a change to the gem, whether it's a fix for a problem
you've been running into or an idea for a new feature you think would be useful,
here's how the process works:
Have a fix for a problem you've been running into or an idea for a new feature
you think would be useful? Simply follow these instructions:

1. [Read and understand the Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct).
1. Fork this repo and clone your fork to somewhere on your machine.
Expand All @@ -24,11 +23,12 @@ here's how the process works:
1. [Ensure that the test suite passes on Travis and make any necessary changes
to your branch to bring it to green.](#continuous-integration)

Although we maintain the gem in our free time, we try to respond within a day or
so. After submitting your PR, we may give you feedback. For instance, we may
suggest some changes to make to your code to fit within the project style or
discuss alternate ways of addressing the issue in question. Assuming we're happy
with everything, we'll bring your changes into master!
Although we maintain Shoulda Matchers in our free time, we try to respond to
contributions in a timely manner. Once we look at your pull request, we may give
you feedback. For instance, we may suggest some changes to make to your code to
fit within the project style or discuss alternate ways of addressing the issue
in question. Assuming we're happy with everything, we'll then bring your changes
into master. Now you're a contributor!


Expand All @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ bin/setup
This project follows the typical structure for a gem: code is located in `lib`
and tests are in `spec`.

### Matchers

All of the matchers are broken up by the type of example group they apply to:

* `{lib,spec/unit}/shoulda/matchers/action_controller*` for ActionController
Expand All @@ -63,8 +65,10 @@ All of the matchers are broken up by the type of example group they apply to:
* `{lib,spec/unit}/shoulda/matchers/independent*` for matchers that can be used
in any example group

There are other files in the project, of course, but there are likely the ones
that you'll be interested in.
There are other files in the project, of course, but these are likely the ones
you'll be most interested in.

### Tests

In addition, tests are broken up into two categories:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ You'll want to start by running `zeus start` in one shell. Then in another
shell, instead of using `bundle exec rspec` to run tests, you'll use `bundle
exec zeus rspec`. So for instance, you might say:

bundle exec zeus rspec spec/unit/shoulda/matchers/active_model/validate_inclusion_of_matcher_spec.rb

Expand All @@ -132,48 +136,53 @@ appraisal to use. For instance, you can't simply say:


bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance/active_model_integration_spec.rb

Instead, you need to say
Instead, you need to say:

bundle exec appraisal 5.1 rspec spec/acceptance/active_model_integration_spec.rb

### Run all tests

In order to run all tests, simply run:
You can get a list of valid appraisals by running the following command and
inspecting the output:

bundle exec appraisal --help

### All tests

In order to run all of the tests, simply run:

bundle exec rake

## Managing your branch

* Use well-crafted commit messages, providing context if possible. [tpope's
* Use well-crafted commit messages, providing context if possible. [Tim Pope's
guide] was a wonderful piece on this topic when it came out and we still find
it to be helpful even today.
* Squash "WIP" commits and remove merge commits by rebasing. We try to keep our
commit history as clean as possible.
* Squash "WIP" commits and remove merge commits by rebasing your branch against
`master`. We try to keep our commit history as clean as possible. so we really

[tpope's guide]:
[Tim Pope's guide]:

## Documentation

As you navigate the codebase, you may notice that each class and method in the
public API is prefaced with inline documentation, which can be viewed
[online][rubydocs]. This documentation is written and generated using
As you navigate the codebase, you may notice certain classes and methods that
are prefaced with inline documentation. This documentation is written and
generated using [YARD][yard] and is published [online][rubydocs].


We ensure that the documentation is up to date before we issue a release, but
sometimes we don't catch everything. So if your changes end up extending or
updating the API, it's a big help if you can update the documentation to match
and submit those changes in your PR.
updating the API, it helps us greatly to update the docs at the same time.

## A word on the changelog

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