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Spokehub Website


If you have Python and a basic build environment, you can check out the code and run the unit tests by running

$ make

That will install all the python requirements into a local virtualenv and then run the test suite.

To run a development server, the only other thing you need is a database. If you have postgres running and your current user has password-less access to it, you can do:

$ createdb spokehub
$ make migrate

which will create the initial database schema.

If you need a different database setup, create a spokehub/ file and drop in a standard Django database config stanza there to point to the DB you want to use (that file is ignored by git). Then you can create the database and run make migrate to set it up.

After that, you'll probably want a superuser so you can login:

$ ./ createsuperuser

Then you can start up a dev server on port 8000 with:

$ make runserver

make is smart enough to detect changes to requirements.txt and package.json and automatically re-build/re-install whatever is necessary to keep things up to date. (sometimes when you run make runserver it will do a bunch of stuff before actually starting up the dev server; this is why).


  • the unit tests must all pass
  • code must pass flake8 (automatically run by make)

Spokehub is continuously deployed, so if those checks pass, the code will be automatically deployed to the production server. This means:

  • Make sure you are ready. Don't check code into master if you aren't sure. Make a PR and ask for a code review if in doubt.
  • Use feature flags liberally (spokehub uses waffle) to deploy code without releasing.

SASS/client-side asset pipeline

Do not edit the .css files in media/css directly unless you know exactly what you are doing. They are generated on the fly from SASS. You almost certainly want to edit .scss files in media/sass instead.


If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system, you can use that for a very easy dev setup.

(Note: if you're running on OS X or in a virtual machine, there might be some extra complexity as far as setting up port mapping for the VM. The rest of this is written assuming that you're either running on Linux, or that you are familiar enough with your docker setup to make the necessary adjustments)

$ make compose-migrate
$ make compose-createsuperuser
$ make compose-waffle-flags
$ make compose-run

The first step will take a while since it's building the image from scratch. The create-superuser step will ask you to create a user, which you can later log in to the site with as an admin.

From then on, you'll mostly just need to run make compose-run to start up the dev server.

Some caveats:

Unlike the "plain" non-docker setup above, the Makefile isn't clever enough to rebuild things when requirements.txt or package.json changes. You'll want to watch those yourself and just re-run make build anytime there are changes to either of those files.

Similarly, if you see any new migrations (any files with migrations/ in the filename) come across, you'll need to run make compose-migrate to apply those migrations to the database.

You can run arbitrary Django "" commands within the docker environment like:

$ docker-compose run web manage help
$ docker-compose run web manage shell

etc. Note that it is manage there, not