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An application orchestration control plane.

Threeport exists to provide useful abstractions for running applications and their dependencies. The threeport control plane orchestrates the workloads that comprise your applications by treating the following as app dependencies:

  • Infrastructure: Threeport provisions and manages infrastructure as a dependency of your app.
  • Kubernetes: Using threeport, you no longer have to install and manage Kubernetes clusters. It is done for you by threeport. Kubernetes provides container orchestration and serves as the runtime environment for threeport workloads. We aim to relieve you and your software delivery systems of the need to use kubectl or interact with the Kubernetes API when deploying your apps. Threeport will manage as many clusters as your requirements dictate without you having to develop your own Kubernetes federation system.
  • Support Services: Applications running on Kubernetes require support services that are installed on the cluster to serve the workloads that run there. This includes things like ingress request routing, TLS asset management, DNS record management, secrets management, log aggregation, monitoring, etc. Threeport will install these support services and configure them for your app as needed.
  • Managed Services: Many applications use cloud-provider managed services such as databases and object storage buckets as dependencies. Using threeport, you can declare those dependencies and those services will get provisioned and connected to your workloads at runtime.
  • Workloads: In addition to your primary user-facing application deployments, threeport manages any services you build in-house as a part of a distributed architecture (microservices). These are declared as workload dependencies and can be nested as your requirements dictate.

In summary, threeport provides a global control plane for your application deployments using battle-tested designs and best practices so you can trust that your software will run reliably. This frees you to concentrate on develivering value to your users.

User documentation can be found on our user docs site.

Developer documentation can be found here.


Threeport is still in early development. APIs may change without notice until the 1.0 release. At this time, do not build any integrations with the threeport API that are used for critical production systems. With the 1.0 release, APIs will stabilize and guarantee backward compatibility. Additionally, there are security concerns and observability systems which are crucial for production that are not yet implemented.

Managed Threeport Providers

Qleet provides a fully managed threeport service that lets teams deliver their software into their own cloud provider accounts using Threeport.